Agenda and draft minutes

Corporate Overview Group - Tuesday, 25th February, 2025 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions


No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2024 pdf icon PDF 251 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2024 were agreed as an accurate record and were signed by the Chairman.




White Ribbon Action Plan pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Report of the Director - Neighbourhoods


The Director – Neighbourhoods presented the Council’s White Ribbon Action Plan to seek re-accreditation as an employer, to become a White Ribbon UK organisation.


The Group were reminded that at the Full Council meeting on 7 March 2024, a motion was proposed by Councillor Calvert that the Council would seek re-accreditation as a White Ribbon UK organisation and that progress on the implementation of an Action Plan would be reported to the Corporate Overview Group.


The Director – Neighbourhoods advised the Group that since the motion was passed, a number of actions have been made, including:


·       Establishment of a new White Ribbon Steering Group

·       Completion and submission of the White Ribbon Accreditation Application

·       Developed and submitted a 3-year White Ribbon action plan, which has been approved by the Accreditation Panel

·       Communicated internally and externally the Council’s commitment

·       Raised awareness and signed up ambassadors and champions

·       Provided training for Councillors through Broxtowe Women’s Group

·       Promotion of the ‘It Starts with Men’ campaign and White Ribbon Day


The Group were informed that the Steering Group is chaired by the Director – Neighbourhoods with the Strategic HR Manager taking on the White ribbon Lead Contact role for accreditation and facilitating the work of the group, which also includes key officers from across the Council.


The Group were asked to note the delivery of the Action Plan which shows the progression over the next three years, focusing on training, development of policies, collaboration with key partners and commitment to engage through national campaigns.


The next steps include:


·       Specific training for staff on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

·       Ensuring contractors used by the Council are aware of our commitment and expectations on VAWG

·       Develop a Communication Plan for internal and external communications

·       Ensure new starters are made aware of our White Ribbon accreditation within the induction process

·       Encouraging local sports clubs to consider accreditation


The Director – Neighbourhoods in summarising explained that in terms of the Nottinghamshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy and its associated action plan, Rushcliffe Borough Council has supported the strategy in a number of ways and have captured these actions within its own White Ribbon Action Plan. These include:


·       Delivery of Safer Streets CCTV Camera systems in West Bridgford and Bingham

·       Attended a strategy relaunch event hosted by the Police and Crime Commissioner

·       Domestic Abuse training for Councillors – hosted by Broxtowe Women’s Group

·       Officer attendance at the Nottinghamshire Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board

·       Officer Participation in the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference

·       Support for any Domestic Homicide Reviews along with implementation of learning across Souith Notts Community Partnership.


The Chair suggested promoting the campaign through the various Council owned community facilities such as Gresham, West Park and our leisure centres. The Director – Neighbourhoods confirmed this will be a key element of the action plan, adding that the Sports and Development Officer is to action this stream of work and promote the campaign and awareness through the various sports clubs using Council venues.


Councillor Way had attended the training  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Financial and Performance Management pdf icon PDF 289 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services


Additional documents:


Financial Update


The Finance Business Partner presented the Council’s quarter three financial position for 2024/25.


The Finance Business Partner informed the Group that at quarter three there is a predicted a net revenue efficiency of £2.164m, with significant variances highlighted in table 1 of the report. This represented a variance of 14.23% against a budgeted Net Service Expenditure and is proposed to be earmarked for any additional cost pressures and financial challenges, such as Simpler Recycling and Local Government Reorganisation.


The Finance Business Partner reported that there was a capital budget underspend projection of £4.4m, which includes rephasing of £0.556m to 2025/26 budget and other variations including £1.5m Land Acquisition whilst the Council continues to explore opportunities for suitable land for carbon offsetting.


The Group were advised that the overall budget variance is expected to be an efficiency of around £2.164m with proposals to earmark the in-year efficiencies for specific reserves as detailed at Appendix A of the report. At table 1 within the report the Group were provided with a summary of the main pressures and efficiencies with a further full summary of all significant variances at Appendix B of the report. At table 2 in the report, the Group were provided with the expected use of the projected underspend, including IT contracts and Treasury Capital Depreciation Reserves. The Group also noted the Organisation Stabilisation Reserve which highlights the uncertainty of Local government Reorganisation.


In concluding, the Finance Business Partner advised that the current projected overall variance does mean that any borrowing requirement can be met from internal resources with no need to borrow externally for this financial year.


Performance Monitoring


The Communications and Customer Services Manager presented the third report of the new Corporate Strategy 2024-27 and the performance monitored by each theme. A full corporate scorecard was provided at Appendix F attached to the report.


With regards to the Environment, the Group were advised of seven performance indicators, two of which had not met their target as follows:


Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting – It was noted that there had been a considerable drop in garden waste tonnage collected, which has an adverse effect. However, overall recycling rates from both the grey and blue bins are consistent year on year.


Percentage recycling contamination rate – this has arisen from changes made to how contamination is measured by Veolia and this is being investigated by officers.


The Communications and Customer Services Manager advised the Group that further educational campaigns via the Council’s social media platforms are planned to address some of these issues.


With regards to Quality of Life the Group were advised of 11 performance indicators, with one indicator not meeting its target as follows:


Percentage usage of community facilities – the usage for quarter three is 32.3% against a usage target of 50% - whilst the percentage usage of community facilities has not met its target this has ben offset by the significant usage increase at the Council’s pitches, primarily  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Feedback from Scrutiny Group Chairmen


The Chair of Governance Scrutiny Group reported that at the Groups last meeting held on 20 February 2025 they had received reports relating to the Council’s Internal Audit, Risk Management, Capital and Investment updates and amendments to the Council’s Constitution. The Chair of Governance Scrutiny Group advised that the reports remained positive, and the Council was in a good financial position. In addition, the Chair highlighted that the Council’s property portfolio and occupancy rates were at 100% which is an excellent achievement in the current financial climate.


With regards to the amendments to the Constitution the Chair reported that there had been much debate around recorded votes and tightening up on Motions. The Group had recommended that any amendments to the Constitution should be reported and discussed by Full Council.


The Chair of Communities Scrutiny Group reported that at the Groups last meeting held on 23 January 2025 the Group received a report on the Residents Survey. The Chair advised that there had been discussions on the challenges around encouraging and improving a greater response to the survey from resident’s, which had been poor. The Chair also advised that the Group had suggested specific targeting for example options to provide feedback at some of the Council’s community events. It was also suggested that the survey questions are better defined to provide a clearer understanding of the expectations of residents in both urban and rural communities.


The Vice Chair of Growth and Development Scrutiny Group reported that at the Groups last meeting on 29 January 2025 the Group received a report on the Health of the Boroughs Town and Village Centres. The Vice Chair advised that the high street data that had been provided from a review in 2023 was out of date and the Group recommended that scope be considered for the information to be updated. The Group were asked to consider the Council’s Economic Growth Strategy, including a feasibility study and public consultation for the pedestrianisation of Central Avenue and a Borough wide Tourism Brochure.


In addition, the Vice Chair of Growth and Development Scrutiny Group reported that the Group raised concerns with regard to recent bank closures and the lack of provision of banking services in the key settlements and requested an additional recommendation for the Council to prioritise the closure of banks and to research opportunities for mobile banking services/banking hubs.


The Chair commented on the scrutiny process being 'a political' and a functional process and that discussion should not stray into personal Political areas, adding that Councillors need to be reminded to stick to the agenda item and that scrutiny is not the appropriate forum for political debate.  



Feedback from Lead Officers


The Director for Finance and Corporate Services confirmed that there were no updates from Lead Officers.


Consideration of Scrutiny Group Work Programmes pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services


Additional documents:


The Chairman confirmed that one scrutiny item had been submitted by Councillor R Upton with a proposed topic for the Communities Scrutiny Group to undertake a scrutiny review of the performance of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, regarding their housing services within the Borough, focusing on repairs and maintenance service delivery.


The Group were pleased to see this topic come forward expressing that it had been a while since the performance of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing had been scrutinised and that the organisation had grown considerably over the years and how the pressures on social housing services and maintenance had also increased. Councillor Polenta highlighted the rights for tenants to access quality housing and strengthening the timescales for providers to complete maintenance and repairs on their properties and suggested the Council be more proactive in respect of enforcement where social landlords fail to deliver on maintenance and repairs.


The Group approved that the performance of Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing be added to the Communities Scrutiny Group Work Programme at its meeting in July 2025.


The Group noted the summary of scrutiny items taken forward over a one-year period, including items that did not meet the criteria for further scrutiny. The Chairman expressed this had been useful to see a timeline of what had been scrutinised.


The Director – Finance and Corporate Services advised that Councillor Gaunt had commented on the submission of future scrutiny requests and whether provision for additional scrutiny training could be considered. The Director – Finance and Corporate Services suggested Councillors could engage more in the scrutiny process by looking at the Council’s Corporate Strategies and action plans or consider any performance issues that may require a scrutiny review, such as external providers and contracts.


Councillor Way asked a specific question relating to scrutiny requests that had not been taken forward for scrutiny and asked when the scrutiny process is likely to be reviewed, which is expected to be sometime in 2025 and whether Councillors will be given the opportunity to be involved in the review process. The Director – Finance and Corporate Services advised that the Group would be provided with an update on the Scrutiny Review at its next meeting in July.


The Chairman suggested a scrutiny review of the Council’s role within flood alleviation and the pressures on outside agencies around the recent increase in flooding incidents. This was supported by Councillor Edyvean.


Councillor Edyvean suggested that Council Tax on Empty Homes and Second Homes be reviewed at some stage in the future.


The Director – Finance and Corporate Services asked the Group to encourage fellow Councillors to submit items for scrutiny that they feel may help the Council to improve the services it provides to residents. 

It was RESOLVED that the Corporate Overview Group:


a)    Considered the additional items for scrutiny from the current Cabinet Forward Plan, Corporate Strategy, Medium Term Finance Strategy, Capital and Investment Strategy and Transformation and Efficiency Programme/Productivity Plan (Appendix one)


b)    Determined the additional topic to be included in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 33.