Agenda item

White Ribbon Action Plan

Report of the Director - Neighbourhoods


The Director – Neighbourhoods presented the Council’s White Ribbon Action Plan to seek re-accreditation as an employer, to become a White Ribbon UK organisation.


The Group were reminded that at the Full Council meeting on 7 March 2024, a motion was proposed by Councillor Calvert that the Council would seek re-accreditation as a White Ribbon UK organisation and that progress on the implementation of an Action Plan would be reported to the Corporate Overview Group.


The Director – Neighbourhoods advised the Group that since the motion was passed, a number of actions have been made, including:


·       Establishment of a new White Ribbon Steering Group

·       Completion and submission of the White Ribbon Accreditation Application

·       Developed and submitted a 3-year White Ribbon action plan, which has been approved by the Accreditation Panel

·       Communicated internally and externally the Council’s commitment

·       Raised awareness and signed up ambassadors and champions

·       Provided training for Councillors through Broxtowe Women’s Group

·       Promotion of the ‘It Starts with Men’ campaign and White Ribbon Day


The Group were informed that the Steering Group is chaired by the Director – Neighbourhoods with the Strategic HR Manager taking on the White ribbon Lead Contact role for accreditation and facilitating the work of the group, which also includes key officers from across the Council.


The Group were asked to note the delivery of the Action Plan which shows the progression over the next three years, focusing on training, development of policies, collaboration with key partners and commitment to engage through national campaigns.


The next steps include:


·       Specific training for staff on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

·       Ensuring contractors used by the Council are aware of our commitment and expectations on VAWG

·       Develop a Communication Plan for internal and external communications

·       Ensure new starters are made aware of our White Ribbon accreditation within the induction process

·       Encouraging local sports clubs to consider accreditation


The Director – Neighbourhoods in summarising explained that in terms of the Nottinghamshire Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy and its associated action plan, Rushcliffe Borough Council has supported the strategy in a number of ways and have captured these actions within its own White Ribbon Action Plan. These include:


·       Delivery of Safer Streets CCTV Camera systems in West Bridgford and Bingham

·       Attended a strategy relaunch event hosted by the Police and Crime Commissioner

·       Domestic Abuse training for Councillors – hosted by Broxtowe Women’s Group

·       Officer attendance at the Nottinghamshire Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board

·       Officer Participation in the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference

·       Support for any Domestic Homicide Reviews along with implementation of learning across Souith Notts Community Partnership.


The Chair suggested promoting the campaign through the various Council owned community facilities such as Gresham, West Park and our leisure centres. The Director – Neighbourhoods confirmed this will be a key element of the action plan, adding that the Sports and Development Officer is to action this stream of work and promote the campaign and awareness through the various sports clubs using Council venues.


Councillor Way had attended the training hosted by Broxtowe Women’s Group and informed the Corporate Overview Group how excellent the training had been and how surprised and shocked she was at the statistics of physical abuse. She also added that abusers are not always men and felt the campaign ‘It Starts with Men’ and any future training needed to be broadened to include more diverse relationships.


Councillor Polenta raised a number of points around sub-contractors and whether the Council could insist that contractors are accredited, she asked what support was in place for employees and whether funding support available for staff and residents who fall victims to abuse. The Director – Neighbourhoods explained that the Council cannot insist a contractor is White Ribbon Accredited, but we can ensure they are aware that we foster this approach across all Council departments. With regards to staff support this is championed through the Councils Workplace Health function, which is headed up by the HR leadership team. With regards to support and funding for residents this would be managed by the Strategic Housing team and County Council, adding that Rushcliffe does operate a refuge for emergency housing at Hound Road, West Bridgford.


Councillor Williams highlighted the J9 Safer Places initiative that Bingham Town Council are encouraging local businesses and sports venues/clubs to sign up to and be made aware of.


The Chairman also highlighted the ‘Ask Angela’ scheme that helps support anyone feeling vulnerable on a night out to get the support they need and whether this scheme and the J9 scheme could be tied in to support the White Ribbon accreditation. The Director – Neighbourhoods explained that officers recognise that each of these organisations have their own independent campaigns within the voluntary sector and that it would be difficult for the Council to intervene and shape them as they have their own agendas. The Director – Neighbourhoods emphasised that the Council is not looking to replace any of these alternative organisations, but hopes to provide leadership across the Borough with the White Ribbon accreditation.


Councillor Plant thanked officers for the work being done and asked if data on incidents could be shared with the Group. Councillor Plant also asked what was being done to keep the message live and active in the public domain. The Communications and Customer Services Manager advised that there had been a campaign across the festive period at all the Council’s customer services points with more campaigns to be delivered across the Council’s social media platforms in line with the action plan. The Director – Neighbourhoods advised that there is ongoing conversations and staff training with colleagues at Streetwise and the campaign ambassadors and champions are undertaking training to assist with the campaign’s promotion, adding that Councillor Inglis was the ambassador to promote the campaign for elected members.


The Group provided a number of suggestions for promoting the campaign, such as ambassadors attending and promoting the campaign at the Council’s events, using the media screens in the offices and across the Council’s contact points and leisure centres.


The Group were advised that the White Ribbon website had lots of information and support for anyone wanting to join the campaign and seek accreditation.


It was RESOLVED that the Corporate Overview Group:


a)    Noted the progress made since the motion was passed, including confirmation of re-accreditation as a White Ribbon UK organisation


b)    Recognised the actions taken to date as listed in sections 4.2 and 4.7 of the report


c)     Noted the forthcoming actions as listed in section 4.6 of the report.





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