Agenda item

Tree Protection and Promotion in Rushcliffe


The Environmental Sustainability Officer presented the report of the Executive Manager – Communities which provided the Group with an update on initiatives for tree protection and promotion in Rushcliffe. It was noted that following the recommendations from Community Development Group in November 2017 and approval from Cabinet in January 2018, a three year revenue budget of £50,000 was allocated to initiatives including the Rushcliffe free tree scheme and the Parish Tree Scheme. The Environmental Sustainability Officer and the Landscape Officer delivered a presentation to the Group which highlighted the performance monitoring of the initiatives since the schemes were introduced in April 2018. The presentation covered:


·         Enforcement

·         Publicity

·         Tree Schemes

·         Public Comments

·         Tree Wardens

·         Government Consultation


Following the presentation, members of the Group asked several specific questions. It was suggested that the free tree scheme could offer smaller trees including Mountain Ash and Robinia trees if the climate and home garden environment was suitable. 


The Group asked questions regarding the implementation of Tree Preservation Orders. The Landscape Officer informed the Group that any resident could apply for a Tree Preservation Order and that they could be implemented if the tree can be seen from any community vantage point and was able to grow to full maturity without impacting on any structures. The Chairman suggested that the Council’s planning applications could state that the Council was a green council which could discourage developers from felling trees. The Group were pleased to note that over 400 trees were planned to be planted on the Sharphill development. The officers confirmed to the Group that tree wardens were volunteers, sourced by the Parish Council and community groups. It was noted that their responsibility was to look and advise the Borough Council with regards to matters such as tree preservation orders, but that they had no powers to implement one.


The Group reflected on the implementation of the free tree scheme in April 2018 and gave suggestions for improvement during the next planting season. It was noted that more collection points could be set up for residents to collect their trees and that the Council could publicise a follow up response from residents who planted their trees last year.


The Group raised concerns about the watering of trees. The officers informed the Group that Streetwise were responsible for watering the trees requested by the Borough Council and Parish Councils. It was also noted that there was a big cost involved in the watering of trees and so the Group suggested that the prices of water bowsers should be considered.


The Chairman thanked the officers for delivering their presentation and for answering their questions.  


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    The report of the Executive Manager – Communities be noted.

b)    The work under taken to protect and promote trees in Rushcliffe be endorsed

c)    Consideration be given for more collection points to be available for residents to collect their trees during the next planting season and for Councillors to be informed of the collection points so that they can inform their wards. 

d)    A follow up consultation of residents who benefitted from the free tree scheme be undertaken.

e)    The price of small water bowsers for use by tree wardens be investigated.



Minute No.


Officer Responsible


Dementia Friendly training be delivered to Rushcliffe Borough Council refuse staff.


The Group be sent the Council’s Dementia Friendly Action Plan with the different activities, time scales and projections.

Executive Manager – Communities




Executive Manager – Communities


Consideration be given for more collection points to be available for residents to collect their trees during the next planting season and for Councillors to be informed of the collection points so that they can inform their wards. 


A follow up consultation of residents who benefitted from the free tree scheme be undertaken.


The price of small water bowsers for use by tree wardens be investigated.


Executive Manager – Communities











Executive Manager – Communities




Executive Manager – Communities



Supporting documents: