Agenda item

Revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2020-2025

The report of the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods is attached.


The Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods presented the report of the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods providing an update on the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy


Councillor Inglis referred to the report and asked Council to approve changes to the existing Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy, which had been revised as a result of changes in Government legislation. Rushcliffe was responsible for licensing hackney carriages and private hire vehicles. The Department of Transport required local authorities to introduce stronger safeguarding measures for protecting children and vulnerable adults, as well as more stringent checks for licensees and vehicles. The changes should be adopted by January 2021.  The draft revised Policy had been scrutinised by the Licensing Committee and undergone consultation within the sector. Council’s attention was drawn to the second recommendation in the report, which gave the Executive Manager for Neighbourhoods the authority to make minor changes to ensure that the Policy remained responsive to change and any changes could be made expediently in the future.


In seconding the recommendations in the report, Councillor Brennan welcomed the changes to the Policy to strengthen safeguarding measures in this vital area and commented that those changes should not be overly onerous for drivers. Licensed drivers in the Borough were in a position of trust and this revised Policy strengthened the checks and documentation necessary to ensure the safety of those using those vehicles. This was a very comprehensive Policy that was regularly reviewed and would be modified, if necessary, in the future under delegated authority.


Councillor Begum spoke on behalf of the Labour group and welcomed the improvements that have been proposed. Council’s attention was drawn to the reference of electric vehicles in Appendix 6, and it was noted that the Labour Group looked forward to further consideration of this area of the Policy in the future.


Councillor Jones thanked officers for a sensible, if complex Policy and stated that, as the changes made were required by legislation, he saw no reason why they should not be supported. He went on to recommend that the Executive Manager for Neighbourhoods made use of his new powers to make minor changes to the Policy in the new year, to update the specification of vehicles to Euro 5 classification instead of Euro 4, as stated in the current document.  Councillor Jones also asked for clarification on the inspections licensing officers made on drivers’ DBS checks.


Councillor R Mallender echoed the comments of the Labour Group in relation to the move towards electric licensed vehicles in the future.


Councillor Thomas thanked the officers for their detailed work to update the Policy.


In response to the comments made, Councillor Inglis informed Council that officers had considered the early move to requiring Euro 5 compliant vehicles before bringing this Policy forward for approval but had considered, in light of the hardship caused to the sector by Covid-19 this year, it would be unnecessarily pre-emptive. The Council noted that there was a long-term plan to update the vehicle emissions criteria of the Policy as part of the Council’s Carbon Management Action Plan. Councillor Inglis also made reference to the process of acquiring and monitoring DBS checks for drivers and the need of those transporting children and vulnerable adults to have an enhanced DBS check.


It was RESOLVED that


a)     the Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2020-2025 be approved; and


b)     the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods be granted delegated authority to make minor variations to the Policy.


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