Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations on interest. |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 July 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2024 were agreed as a true record and were signed by the Chair.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 October 2024 Minutes: The minutes of the Joint Scrutiny meeting held on 17 October 2024 were agreed as a true record and were signed by the Chair.
Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services
Additional documents: Minutes: The Communications and Customer Services Manager presented the Report of the Director for Finance and Corporate Services to the Group and provided a presentation overview of key aspects of the report, which covered the following:
· Response rate and trends compared with 2021 · Headline results · National versus local indicators · Open text comments · Responding to communities’ needs and aspirations · How the Council currently engages and listens · Proposed actions
Councillor Ellis noted the low response to the survey and thought that unless participation could be increased the survey did not serve much purpose.
Members of the Group said that residents often did not know which council or organisation provided which services and asked whether a covering preamble could be added providing clarification, particularly information about street cleansing and litter picking and that the Council did not have responsibility for highways.
The Communications and Customer Services Manager confirmed that an introductory explanation had been added before the previous two surveys but that residents had still responded in relation to highways as something they wanted to comment on, even though the Council was not responsible for that service.
Councillor Billin asked whether the Council had information about where people who responded were located in the Borough. The Communications and Customer Services Manager said that previous surveys had asked for postcode information but that this had been seen as a barrier to people completing it. He noted however that location and demographic information was important in helping to understand the needs of the Borough.
Members of the Group suggested perhaps collecting broad location data, such as whether the person lived in a rural or urban area, large or small village. It was suggested that identifying residents living in managed housing developments would be helpful as they may be responding in relation to managed estate services and parks rather than Council services.
Councillor Parekh asked about stakeholder collaboration and the Communications and Customer Services Manager said that the survey had been shared with a range of town and parish councils, the County Council and with business contacts. He said that it wasn’t know how that impacted on response rates, which was something that the Council would look at for future surveys.
Members of the Group referred to using social media to engage with different resident demographics. Councillor R Mallender said that different media was used by different age groups and demographics and suggested that the greater the range used by the Council the wider the potential interaction. The Communications and Customer Services Manager explained that part of the Council’s Engagement Strategy related to exploring social media channels. He said that a key response demographic was females aged 30-65 who most widely used Facebook, which was a factor in why the Council used that channel rather than alternatives, as posts on there impacted through to the community and generated greater engagement.
The Communications and Customer Services Manager said that the Council would review and take external advice as to how it could best reach a wider audience for ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services
Minutes: It was RESOLVED that the Communities Scrutiny Group approved the Work Programme as set out below:
3 April 2025
· Carbon Management Action Plan Review · Nottinghamshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy · Work Programme