Agenda and minutes

Communities Scrutiny Group - Thursday, 17th October, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions


No. Item


Appointment of Chair


Councillor Williams nominated Councillor Matthews for the position Chair and this was seconded by Councillor Way.


Appointment of Vice-Chair


Councillor Williams nominated Councillor Plant for the position Vice Chair and this was seconded by Councillor Way.



Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Accessible Housing pdf icon PDF 492 KB

Report of the Director - Neighbourhoods



Councillor Thomas presented her scrutiny request and explained the reasons for submitting it. She said that there were two main arms to the submission, one related to adapting existing housing and one related to adaptations in new homes being built. She noted that the Council was no longer going to top up the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) which would lead to increased waiting times for access to adapted housing. She said that key questions for the Council were whether it would consider reinstating topping up the DFG in the next budget and whether there was opportunity to look at the funding pot and allocation locally. She added that it was also important to consider new housing being built and supported the Nottinghamshire Strategic Plan suggestion that that all new houses be built to the adaptable standard.


The Strategic Housing Manager and the Planning Policy Manager presented the Report of the Director for Neighbourhoods and provided a presentation overview of key features to the Group, which covered the following aspects:


·      What is accessible housing?

·      Understanding disabilities

·      Housing needs

·      Building new accessible homes

·      Adaptation of existing homes

·      Disabled Facilities Grant

·      Rehousing as an alternative option

  • Barriers to accessible housing

·      Future options for change


Members of the Group thanked Officers for providing a comprehensive explanation of the different aspects of accessible housing.


Members of the Group asked a range of questions, in relation to: registered providers making financial contribution to adaptations in their properties and whether there was any reason or law or regulation to make them contribute; whether the Council received Safe and Secure grant allocation from Government; viability considerations in relation to the Greater Nottinghamshire Strategic Plan; more information about local land charges; more information about Nottinghamshire County Council top up budget; why the Council’s Accessible Housing allocation was the lowest locally even though it delivered a high number of adaptations, was this due to a local of Government formula.


The Strategic Housing Manager explained that there were no regulations prohibiting registered providers from financially contributing to adaptations in their properties and that they had an equality duty to provide accessible homes where required for their tenants, which supported the argument for them to make contributions. In relation to the Nottinghamshire County Council top up budget, she advised that referrals were considered on a case by case basis at a Board meeting. In relation to accessible housing funding, she said that this was set through a 2011 national formula and that the County Council’s role was to passport the allocation to the local district councils accordingly, and that to change the allocation amounts would require agreement by all the district authorities. In relation to land charges, she said that the Council had previously used £500k of capital receipts from stock transfer but had no further receipts to continue this practice.


In relation to local land charges, the Planning Policy Manager said that this was where a charge was affixed to the adapted house with whomever buying it having to pay that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.