Agenda and minutes

Communities Scrutiny Group - Thursday, 25th July, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions


No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 204 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2024 were approved as a true record and were signed by the Chair.


The Service Manager – Neighbourhoods reminded the Group of the Actions from the previous meeting and informed them of the officers responses.


Use of Community Facilities and Managed Spaces pdf icon PDF 170 KB

Report of the Director for Neighbourhoods

Additional documents:


The Group were provided with additional handouts for context in relation to the marketing approach for the Council’s community facilities and open spaces.


The Community Development Manager delivered a presentation to provide the Group with an update on current facilities operated by the Council, including management arrangements, their present occupancy and income generated.


For the purpose of reporting to this Group, the community facilities were split into two distinctive service areas:


·       Community Venues

·       Playing Fields, Parks and Open Spaces


Community Venues


The Community Development Manager advise the Group that the Council’s venues at; Rushcliffe Arena, Sir Julian Cahn Pavilion, West Park Sports Pavilion, Gamston Community Hall and Rushcliffe Country Park Education Centre and Conference Room are all managed using a Switch Digital Management Booking System, a bespoke booking system provided by a local business in Ruddington since 2022. The Community Development Manager explained the system uses data intelligence to triage the user to the best venue that fits the need of their enquiry and provides data and performance information providing the Council with a better understanding of how the system is being used.


The Community Development Manager referred to Table 1 in the report which showed the income targets for each community venue from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and the comparison targets for 2024/25. The table highlighted the venues that had not achieved their income targets and the Community development Manager explained this was due to challenges around Covid recovery and refurbishment of some of the venues to improve their carbon emissions and AV technology provision.


Playing Fields, Parks and Open Spaces


The Community Development Manager informed the Group that pitch bookings at Gresham, Alford Road and West Park could be booked online using a pitch booking system separate from the switch system used for booking venues. The Pitch booking system allows users to book and pay online in advance of their booking. The Group were advised of the major booking organisations including West Bridgford Colts.


The Community Development Manager referred to table 2 in the report and explained that there had been some challenges with pitch flooding at Alford Road resulting in the pitches not meeting their target. This was also the case with Rushcliffe Country Park not meeting its target due to technological issues with the conferencing system, staff training and marketing.


The Group noted that in respect of parks and open spaces these areas include the Croquet Lawn, Bridgfield and Bridgford Park which were all bookable via a telephone/email enquiry to the Community and Development team.


The Community Development Officer advised the Group of some of the service activities including the Touch Rugby World Cup, a Police knife crime weekend at Gresham Sports Park and a planning consent to improve the cricket net facility at West Park. The Group were also informed of the Council’s capital improvement programme for the Community venues at Gamston (new green technology heating), Sir Julian Cahn (complete internal refurbishment) and the planning consent for a new Community building as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Report of the Director for Finance and Corporate Services



The Chair advised the Group that there had been little change to the Work Programme since the last meeting in March.


He reminded the Group that the next meeting on the 17 October would be a joint Scrutiny meeting with Growth and Development Scrutiny Group which will cover the topic of Accessible Housing.


The Group were reminded to submit items for future scrutiny discussion.


It was RESOLVED that the Communities Scrutiny Group approved the Work Programme as set out below:


17 October 2024


·       Accessible Housing Briefing

·       Work Programme


23 January 2025


·       Carbon Management Plan (TBC)

·       Work Programme


3 April 2025


·       Work Programme


 Actions from the Meeting


Minute No


Officer Responsible/Update


Members of the scrutiny group requested further information on the fees and charges for booking venues and pitches and how these compare with other similar authorities

Information has been emailed to the Group


Cllr Parekh requested further information on the management of Lutterell Hall and how much the Rock Church was being charged for the venue

Information has been emailed to the Group


Members asked for detail on concession rates and what clubs/groups were offered a discounted rate and why

Information has been emailed to the Group