Agenda and minutes

Growth and Development Scrutiny Group - Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 January 2024 pdf icon PDF 174 KB


The Minutes of the meeting held on 3 January 2024 were approved by the Group and were signed by the Chairman.


Councillor Chewings expressed his disappointment that the issues discussed at the meeting of Growth and Development Scrutiny in January 2024 in respect of the management of open spaces on new housing developments would not be scrutinised by the Group until Spring 2025 and felt that postponing for this length of time would not be helpful to residents living on these developments and Ward Councillors when dealing with issues raised by residents.


The Chairman explained that an update had been provided with responses to points raised at the last meeting and Councillors could direct their specific questions to the Service Manager – Economic Growth and Property after the meeting.


Sewerage Infrastructure and Discharge within Rushcliffe pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Report of the Director – Neighbourhoods


There will be two presentations from the Environment Agency

Additional documents:


At the meeting of Growth and Development Scrutiny in September 2022 Councillors were interested to obtain a response from Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency to establish an action plan for preventative measures in respect of new developments to assist Officers and Councillors when applying conditions to planning applications.


The meeting was attended by two representatives from the Environment Agency. However, the Group noted that Severn Trent Water had advised that they could not attend meetings at an individual district level due to the size of the area they covered.


Strategic and Development Control Planning


Mr Paul Goldsmith, Sustainable Places and Planning Specialist at the Environment Agency (EA) delivered a presentation to update the Group on the Environment Agencies response to strategic and development control planning consultations when commenting on planning applications.


These include:

·       Fluvial Flood Risk (river flood risk)

·       Groundwater and Contaminated Land

·       Land and Water (surface water quality)

·       Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology

·       Regulated Industry (power stations, anaerobic digestion plants etc)


The Group were informed that the EA are asked to comment on all applications within flood zone 3.


As well as the above specialisms the EA are also asked to comment on strategic planning documents that form part of a Local Authorities local plan, for example:

·       Water Cycle Strategy

·       Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

·       Surface Water Management Plans

·       Strategic Infrastructure Plans

·       Environmental and/or Blue and Green Infrastructure Studies

·       Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessments


Mr Goldsmith highlighted the EA’s support in respect of the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan and the support and advice they have provided and continue to provide across a wide range of disciplines including the Greater Nottingham Strategic Flood Risk Assessment update, water cycle study and site allocations to name a few.


With regards to planning applications, Mr Goldsmith advised that the EA are consulted as statutory consultees where application sites are located within areas with constraints which fall within the remit of the EA. The advice provided is given as advice and it is ultimately the decision maker, Rushcliffe Borough Council as the Local Planning Authority who can choose to overrule the EA’s comments.


With regards to flood risk Mr Goldsmith advised the Group that the EA works closely with other key partners at Severn Trent Water (STW) and the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), with the primary remit for flood risk being fluvial flood risk from both the River Trent and River Smite and ordinary watercourses where a site falls within flood zone 3.


The Group noted that the EA are the regulator for the sewerage sector (STW) and ensure that the required permits are applied for and adhered to.


Mr Goldsmith commented on the recent storms, ‘Babet’ and ‘Henk’ and the impact they had on local communities within the Borough. The Group noted the EA’s work was currently in the recovery phase, which involves investigating the causes of flooding some communities experienced.


Mr Goldsmith informed the Group that to date the EA has undertaken the largest number of community visits  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


Connectivity and Communications pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Report of the Director – Growth and Economic Development


There will be one presentation from Nottinghamshire County Council

Additional documents:


Councillor Combellack had submitted a scrutiny matrix which had been circulated with the report for this item. Councillor Combellack addressed the Group expressing her concerns around broadband and mobile network coverage across the Borough and wanted to understand what opportunities and challenges there are to achieving 100% coverage.


Mr Ian Stoddart, Digital Connectivity Manager at Nottinghamshire County Council delivered a presentation on Nottinghamshire County Council’s ‘Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire’ a multi contract programme that delivered over £31m of broadband network investment across the County, of which Rushcliffe received 16,099 connections. Over 87,000 premises were connected to a fibre service between 2014-2021 and 83.37% of all Nottinghamshire premises receive gigabit-capable service, with premises in Rushcliffe receiving 80.96% able to access gigabit-capable services and 53.17% able to access a full-fibre broadband service and although behind the County as a whole, the Group were advised these coverage figures are extremely positive.


Mr Stoddart informed the Group of the latest £5bn national programme ‘Project Gigabit’, a programme to deliver 85% gigabit broadband coverage, with an initial scope of 20,000 premises in Nottinghamshire, 3,412 in Rushcliffe. Mr Stoddart explained that given the nature of civic engineering projects related to broadband delivery it is not expected that delivery will begin until early 2025 and are subject to network design verification and a detailed survey process, including design change and cost confirmation.


Mr Stoddart highlighted the D2N2 ‘GigaHubs’ Project, a Nottinghamshire County Council led project funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLHUC), which aims to connect public sector buildings to fast, reliable internet connection.


The Group noted the 4 sites selected for Rushcliffe at:

·       Bingham Library

·       Cotgrave Library/Cotgrave Hub

·       Keyworth Library

·       Radcliffe on Trent Library


Mr Stoddart confirmed that a supplier contract for delivery is in place and the survey and design process is underway with services expected to be delivered by March 2026.


With regards to mobile network coverage Mr Stoddart advised the Group of a Digital Pathfinders project which Nottinghamshire County Council have partnered with Birmingham University to collect mobile data in reference to coverage and signal strength across Nottinghamshire by deploying equipment to Nottinghamshire County Council’s waste collection vehicles to detect ‘not-spots’, where coverage is poor. The Group noted that Nottinghamshire County Council would utilise the findings to engage with mobile network operators regarding not-spots and intervention opportunities. Nottinghamshire County Council also has a license agreement in place to provide the use of streetlighting to mobile operators to install ‘small cell’ equipment with the aim to increase the capacity of their networks.


Mr Stoddart advised the Group that if they are aware of any businesses approaching the Council to discuss mobile infrastructure opportunities that Nottinghamshire County Council would welcome the opportunity to support businesses and provide access to data to highlight any opportunities.


In concluding Mr Stoddart informed the Group of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), which BT have announced will be switched off and by the end of 2025 their plans to migrate the old analogue telephone network  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services.


The Group considered its work programme which is subject to scrutiny matrices being submitted by Councillors and Officers.


It was RESOLVED that the Work Programme detailed below be approved by the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group:


July 2024 (TBC)

·       Review of Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium

·       Infrastructure Delivery

·       Work Programme


October 2024 (TBC)

·       Accessible Housing

·       Work Programme


January 2025 (TBC)


March 2025 (TBC)


Action Table – 6 March 2024


Min No.


Officer Responsible


The Group asked for further clarity on STW’s ability to connect to the main sewerage network and the regulatory powers and process that EA have on this should the mains network not have the capacity and this becomes an issue

Service Manager – Economic Growth and Property and Paul Goldsmith (EA)


The Group requested details on the Urban SUD STW have installed in Mansfield

Service Manager – Economic Growth and Property and Paul Goldsmith (EA)


The Group welcomed the offer from EA for them to return to a future meeting with technical experts to focus on specific areas

Service Manager – Economic Growth and Property and Paul Goldsmith