Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions
Contact: Helen Tambini 0115 9148320
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2020 To receive as a correct record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Thursday, 5 March 2020. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 5 March 2020 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. |
Address of the retiring Mayor Minutes: Councillor Mrs Jeffreys, Mayor of Rushcliffe for 2019/20, referred to the many engagements that she had been fortunate to attend and the wonderful people she had met and enjoyed speaking with. She outlined the highlights of her Mayoral year, including her first engagement opening the Lady Bay Skate Park; Proms in the Park had been very successful with many people enjoying the wonderful atmosphere. Other events had included the Hickling Scarecrow Festival, Normanton on Soar Fete, Holme Pierrepoint and Gamston Play Day, Tollerton Village Fete, Bingham Summer Fair and the West Bridgford Christmas Lights switch on. The First World War Memorial unveiling on the River Trent embankment had been a very special and moving event.
Councillor Mrs Jeffreys thanked everyone who had supported her at those events. She thanked Council officers, in particular the Chief Executive, the Leader of the Council, her Chaplain, the Reverend Michael Lees and her Cadet, Peter Wallace. She also thanked all Borough Councillors, the Deputy Mayor and her fellow Civic Heads for their support thorough the year. She gave special thanks to her family and husband David for their constant help and support. She referred to her two charities, Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance and Headway and the important work they both carried out, and how much she had enjoyed supporting them. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all charities now faced fund raising challenges, and she had been disappointed that the lockdown had affected her fund raising efforts towards the end of her Mayoral year.
Councillor Mrs Jeffreys gave her best wishes to the Deputy Mayor and her consort for the year ahead. |
Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor Minutes: Councillor Robinson proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor, Councillor Mrs Jeffreys, and noted that although her fund raising events had been affected by the lockdown, she had raised over £3,000 for her two charities, which was a fantastic testament to her efforts. He referred to the retiring Mayor’s commitment to the Borough and what a tremendous ambassador she had been. As well as those events already mentioned by Councillor Mrs Jeffreys, Councillor Robinson referred to the Community Awards event and her engaging speech. Another highlight had been the royal visit to the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) at Stamford Hall, when the Mayor had met four senior members of the royal family, which was a unique event. The work undertaken at the DNRC was of great importance and Councillor Mrs Jeffreys had been supportive throughout her Mayoral year. Councillor Robinson referred to the retiring Mayor’s unique and delightful personality and reiterated what a fantastic ambassador she had been and on behalf of all Councillors, thanked her for the incredible work she had undertaken.
Councillor Gray, on behalf of the Labour Group, referred to Councillor Mrs Jeffreys’ friendly personality and ability to put people at their ease. Her outstanding support and fund raising efforts for her two charities, both of which were very close to her heart was acknowledged, as was her constant support to Councillors of all political parties. The Labour Group wished her well for the future and looked forward to seeing her again soon.
Councillor Jones, on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group, stated that Councillor Mrs Jeffreys was a forthright, honourable and honest Councillor and an excellent Mayor. On both occasions as Mayor of Rushcliffe, Councillor Mrs Jeffreys had made a lasting impression and served the Borough well and the Liberal Democrat Group wished her well for the future.
Councillor R Mallender, on behalf of the Green Group, reiterated the thanks already given to Councillor Mrs Jeffreys on the excellent work she had undertaken as Mayor in helping people and supporting her charities and wished her well for the future. It was disappointing that the Covid-19 pandemic had affected her Mayoral year, although she had risen to the challenge and made the best of a difficult situation.
Councillor Thomas, on behalf of the Independent Group, extended her thanks to the Mayor for the wonderful contribution she had made during her Mayoral year and wished her well for the future. She had been delighted to see the Mayor at the Normanton on Soar Fete last summer, when the Mayor had engaged with so many people and looked to be thoroughly enjoying the event. |
Election of Mayor 2020/21 To consider nominations for the appointment of Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the 2020/21 Civic Year.
After the vote on the election of Mayor has been carried, the new Mayor, upon making the declaration of acceptance of office, will take the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor R Mallender that Councillor S Mallender be elected as Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2020/21.
Councillor R Mallender referred to the many years of service that Councillor S Mallender had given to Lady Bay since being elected in 2003. Councillor S Mallender was the first member of the Green Party to be elected and was at the heart of the local community, having worked at the local primary school and taken an active role in many community groups. She was dedicated to her family and the Borough and her appointment of Mayor was welcomed.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Robinson referred to the outstanding support both Councillor R Mallender and Councillor S Mallender had shown to the Mayor for many years, attending numerous events, and stated that this appointment was very timely and well deserved.
It was RESOLVED that Councillor S Mallender be elected as Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2020/21.
Councillor S Mallender then read and signed the declaration of acceptance of office and after thanking her proposer, seconder and fellow councillors, took the Chair and was invested with the Chain of Office.
The Mayor referred to the unprecedented events that had happened in 2020 and the impact that it had had on the Mayoral role. She thanked Councillors for electing her and Council officers, local residents and businesses for working together to help one another during the pandemic, with particular thanks to all the key workers living and working in the Borough and the community volunteer groups, who had been helping the vulnerable.
The Mayor announced that her chosen charities this year were Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust, Music Works and Trent District Community First Responders.
The Mayor also announced that during her Mayoral Year she would be promoting a carbon neutral and zero waste lifestyle, travelling in a carbon neutral way to engagements, whenever possible and supporting independent, local businesses. |
Election of Deputy Mayor 2020/21 Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Upton, that Councillor Combellack be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2020/21.
Councillor Upton confirmed that Councillor Combellack had been a Councillor since 2009, and was currently the Chairman of the Corporate Overview Group. Councillor Combellack had taken an active role in her local community, served as a local magistrate for 25 years and been involved with many volunteer groups, helping to improve and enrich the lives of others. Given her dedication to residents and communities throughout Rushcliffe, he stated that she would make an excellent Deputy Mayor.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Butler stated that having worked with Councillor Combellack he was aware of her considerable dedication, hard work and commitment in supporting local communities and initiatives. She was well liked and respected by local residents and colleagues and her appointment to the position of Deputy Mayor would be welcomed.
It was RESOLVED that Councillor Combellack be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2020/21.
Councillor Combellack congratulated the Mayor on her appointment, thanked Councillors for their vote of confidence, and stated that she hoped to walk ably in the footsteps of previous esteemed Mayors. She reiterated the comments made in respect of the retiring Mayor and thanked her for her dedicated service and wished her well for the future. She stated that it was an honour to be elected Deputy Mayor and looked forward to assisting the Mayor to serve Rushcliffe, particularly in such difficult times and hoped to make all who knew her proud. |
Leader's Announcements Minutes: Councillor Robinson congratulated both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointments.
Councillor Robinson referred to the difficult, unprecedented times that everyone had recently been affected by. He hoped that, as everyone looked forward to better times, the Council’s focus would continue to be on its residents and businesses and it was acknowledged that the Council would face significant challenges in the future. The recent rise in unemployment figures was a concern, together with an inevitable decrease in consumer spending, which would affect the Borough. The difficulties faced by some of the Council’s partners, including Parkwood was acknowledged, together with the impact on the housing market of which the Council played an active role across the Borough. It was important to highlight the impact of Covid-19 on the vulnerable, lonely, elderly and people on low income, and the continued support those groups would require. One positive result of the pandemic had been the incredible community strength, and that resilience would continue to be important going forward. In respect of climate change, it was essential that the Council built from the experiences learned over the past few months and benefitted from the cleaner, greener environment and it was pleasing to note that one of the Mayor’ charities was the Wildlife Trust. This was a time for the Council to work with all of its partners as everyone moved forward and all Councillors were asked to work together to make a concerted effort and keep the Borough’s residents and local businesses at the heart of everything the Council did.
Councillor Robinson advised that his Cabinet appointments for the municipal year 2020/21 would be as follows:
Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning – Councillor Upton
Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods – Councillor Inglis
Portfolio Holder for Finance – Councillor Moore
Portfolio Holder for Business and Economic Growth – Councillor Edyvean
Portfolio Holder for Community and Environment and Deputy Leader – Councillor Mason
Councillor Robinson advised that after 17 years of incredible service, Councillor Mason would be stepping down from the Cabinet in autumn 2020. He thanked her for her hard work and dedication during those years.
Councillor Robinson was delighted to announce that Councillor Brennan would be joining the Cabinet in autumn 2020 and he hoped that all Councillors would wish her well in this key position. Over the next few months, she would be shadowing Councillor Mason, to ensure a smooth transition and Councillors would receive a further update at the Council meeting in September 2020. |
Appointment of Committees and Member Groups 2020/21 The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached. Minutes: The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services, outlining the nominations for the appointment of committees and member groups for 2020/21.
It was proposed by Councillor Robinson and seconded by Councillor Mason and RESOLVED that the nominations to committees and member groups for 2020/21 be approved as follows:
A. Scrutiny Committees
Corporate Overview Group Councillors T Combellack (Chairman), B Bansal, A Brennan, N Clarke, F Purdue-Horan, J Walker and J Wheeler
Governance Scrutiny Group Councillors F Purdue-Horan (Chairman), J Walker (Vice Chairman), R Adair, G Dickman, L Howitt, K Shaw, D Simms, J Stockwood and D Virdi
Growth and Development Scrutiny Group Councillors N Clarke (Chairman), A Brennan (Vice Chairman), N Begum, J Cottee, L Howitt, A Phillips, J Stockwood, D Virdi and L Way
Communities Scrutiny Group Councillor J Wheeler (Chairman), B Bansal (Vice Chairman), G Dickman, L Healy, R Jones, R Mallender, D Simms, R Walker and G Williams
B. Regulatory Committees
Licensing Committee Councillors R Walker (Chairman), R Adair, S Bailey, B Bansal, N Begum, B Buschman, R Butler, G Dickman, L Healy, L Howitt, R Mallender, J Stockwood, J Walker, J Wheeler and G Williams
Planning Committee Councillors R Butler (Chairman), Mrs M Stockwood (Vice Chairman), A Brennan, N Clarke, P Gowland, L Healy, A Major, J Murray, F Purdue-Horan, C Thomas and D Virdi
Employment Appeals Committee Councillors S Robinson (Chairman), S Bailey, M Gaunt, A Major and D Mason
Interviewing Committee Councillors S Robinson (Chairman), K Beardsall, N Begum, D Mason and L Way
Standards Committee Councillors S Bailey (Chairman), A Brennan, N Clarke, T Combellack, B Gray and R Mallender S Nelken and A Wood (Parish Members) K White (Independent Member)
C. Member Groups
Local Development Framework Group Councillors R Upton (Chairman), R Adair, R Butler, J Cottee, P Gowland, B Gray, A Major, R Mallender, F Purdue-Horan, D Simms, Mrs M Stockwood, C Thomas, R Walker, G Wheeler and J Wheeler
Member Development Group Councillors R Mallender (Chairman), B Buschman, T Combellack, B Gray, A Phillips, K Shaw, J Stockwood, Mrs M Stockwood and G Williams
Rushcliffe Strategic Growth Board Councillors S Robinson (Chairman), D Mason (Vice Chairman), A Edyvean, R Inglis, R Jones, G Moore, R Upton, J Walker and L Way
Civic Hospitality Panel Councillor S Mallender (Chairman), B Bansal, D Mason, G Moore, S Robinson and K Shaw
Development Corporation Member Working Group Councillor S Robinson (Chairman), A Brennan, A Edyvean, B Gray, C Thomas, R Upton, D Virdi, J Walker and R Walker
West Bridgford Special Expenses and Community Infrastructure Levy Advisory Group Councillor G Moore (Chairman), B Buschman, P Gowland, R Jones, R Mallender, S Robinson, D Virdi, G Wheeler and J Wheeler
Bingham Chapel Lane Member Working Group Councillor A Edyvean (Chairman), B Gray, L Healy, L Howitt, G Moore, J Stockwood, D Simms and C Thomas
Rushcliffe Enterprises Ltd – Board of Directors Councillors S Robinson (Chairman), D ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Approval of Timetable of Meetings 2020/21 The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached. Minutes: The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services, setting out the schedule of Council and Committee meetings for the Municipal year 2020/21.
It was proposed by Councillor Robinson and seconded by Councillor Mason and RESOLVED that the schedule of meetings for the municipal year 2020/21, as attached at Appendix A of the officer’s report, be approved. |
Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies 2020/21 The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached. Minutes: The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services setting out the appointments to Outside Bodies for the municipal year 2020/21.
The Mayor advised that Councillor Way would no longer be contesting the one position available on the Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park group and a vote for that particularly nomination would therefore not be required. One vote would be taken for all of the nominations.
It was proposed by Councillor Robinson and seconded by Councillor Mason and RESOLVED that the appointments to Outside Bodies for the municipal year 2020/21 be as follows:
City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Economic Prosperity Committee Leader
East Midlands Councils (including other representative roles within this appointment) Leader
Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board Cabinet Member – Housing and Planning
Local Government Association - General Assembly (including other representative roles within this appointment) Leader
Nottinghamshire East Midlands Airport Independent Consultative Committee Cabinet Member – Business and Economic Growth
Health and Well Being Board Cabinet Member – Community and Environment
Nottinghamshire Local Government Leaders Group Leader
Nottinghamshire Joint Leaders Board Leader
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel Cabinet Member – Neighbourhoods
Development Corporation Board Leader
Nottinghamshire Waste Management Board Cabinet Member – Neighbourhoods
Rural Community Action for Nottinghamshire Councillor S Bailey
Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park Councillor R Adair
Local Area Forum - West Bridgford Councillors P Gowland (Abbey ward), A Philips (Compton Acres ward), D Virdi (Gamston South ward), R Mallender (Lady Bay ward), N Begum (Lutterell Ward), R Jones (Musters ward) and B Bansal (Trent Bridge ward)
Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board Councillors P Gowland, Mrs C Jeffreys, K Shaw and Mrs M Stockwood. |