Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 9th March, 2023 2.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford. View directions

Contact: Tracey Coop  0115 9148277

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

a) Under the Code of Conduct


b) Under the Planning Code


Councillor Thomas declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Ward Councillor in application 22/00319/FUL and would remove herself from the discussion and vote for this item.


Councillor Butler declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Ward Councillor in application 23/00189/ADV and would remove himself from the discussion and vote for this item


Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 January 2023 pdf icon PDF 245 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 January 2023 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 308 KB

The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the written report of the Director – Development and Economic Control relating to the following applications, which had been circulated previously.


Councillor Thomas removed herself from the meeting for this item.


22/00319/FUL – Installation of renewable energy generating solar farm comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays, together with substation, inverter stations, security measures, site access, internal access tracks and other ancillary infrastructure, including landscaping and biodiversity enhancements – Land to the west of Wood Lane and Stocking lane, Kingston Estate, Gotham




Additional representations were received after the agenda was published and were circulated to the Committee before the meeting.


A copy of a plan highlighting views from various locations on the site was circulated at the meeting 


In accordance with the Council’s Public Speaking Protocol for Planning Committee, Ms C Chamberlain (on behalf of the Applicant), Mr P Mostyn (objector) and Councillor Thomas (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee.


Whilst acknowledging the wider benefits of renewable energy and supporting its use, members of the Committee stated that a balance needed to be struck and expressed concern that the proposed size of the site would cause substantial harm to the Greenbelt and the open nature of the site, and that the proposed landscaping measures would not mitigate the substantial visual impact that this development would have.  Members of the Committee went on to say that they did not consider 40 years to be temporary and if this application was to be allowed it would spoil the enjoyment of many, as this was a well-used recreational open space and that the very special circumstances referred to in the National Planning Policy Framework had not been sufficiently demonstrated to outweigh the significant harm that would be caused.






The proposals would result in substantial harm to the Green Belt by reason of adverse impact on openness, visual amenity, and impact on amenity of users of the well-connected nearby Public Rights of Ways and Bridleways, which cross or lie adjacent to the application site.  The proposed Very Special Circumstances of the wider benefits of renewable energy generation associated with the application (and other wider environmental benefits) do not outweigh the harm to the Green Belt contrary to which paragraph 149 of NPPF which requires substantial weight to be given to any harm to the Green Belt.  In these circumstances, the proposed development is therefore considered to be contrary to Policy 16 – Renewable Energy and Policy 21 – Green Belt of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies together with paragraphs 147, 148 and 149 of the NPPF.


Councillor Thomas re-joined the meeting.


Councillor Butler removed himself from the meeting for this item.


23/00189/ADV – Display a free standing non illuminated sign on either side of vehicular entrance to the site – Rushcliffe Oaks, Main Road, Cotgrave


There were no updates for this item.






1.           All advertisements displayed, and any  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 228 KB


The Planning Appeal Decisions report was noted.