Issue - decisions

2024/25 Budget and Financial Strategy

14/02/2024 - 2024/25 Budget and Financial Strategy

It was RESOLVED that Cabinet RECOMMENDS to Council that it:


a)                   adopts the budget setting report and associated financial strategies 2024/25 to 2028/29 (attached Annex) including the summarised Special Expenses budget at Appendix 1, Budget Summary at Appendix 2, changes to fees and charges regarding Garden Waste and Car Parking (Appendix 5) and Transformation and Efficiency Plan at Appendix 7;


b)                   adopts the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 3;


c)                   adopts the Capital and Investment Strategy at Appendix 8;


d)                   adopts the Second Home Premium at Section 3.4 and any notification of further exemptions to be adopted and incorporated into a revised policy;


e)                   sets Rushcliffe’s 2024/25 Council Tax for a Band D property at £157.88 (increase from 2023/24 of £3.93 or 2.55%);


f)                     sets the Special Expenses for 2024/25 for West Bridgford, Ruddington and Keyworth, Appendix 1, resulting in the following Band D Council Tax levels for the Special Expense Areas:


i)             West Bridgford £59.44 (£55.95 in 2023/24)

ii)      Keyworth £4.69 (£4.38 in 2023/24)

iii)     Ruddington £3.29 (£3.68 in 2023/24);


g)                   adopts the Pay Policy Statement at Appendix 6; and


h)                   delegates authority to the Director – Finance and Corporate Services to make any minor amendments to the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) once the final local government finance settlement is received and advise the Finance Portfolio Holder accordingly, to be reported to Full Council.