Issue - decisions

Edwalton Golf Course

09/02/2022 - Edwalton Golf Course Strategic Review

It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the detailed technical assessments that have been undertaken for the par 3 course be acknowledged, which conclude that the site could represent a good option for residential development subject to planning, although Cabinet direction is that it is retained at the present time as an important community facility;


b)               it was acknowledged that there is likely to be sufficient housing supply in Rushcliffe to 2038 without the need to allocate this site within the Greater Nottinghamshire Strategic Plan but that it be included in a pipeline of potential sites for future consideration as part of the Local Plan process, should the requirement for further sites arise, to be considered concurrently with the site as a community facility;


c)               further detailed design assessments for the driving range business case over the next period to establish if a standalone driving range could be delivered to provide a betterment to the golfing offer on-site be endorsed; and


d)               opportunities for ecological improvements and bio-diversity net gain on the main 9-hole course through improvement management and partnership working in line with the Council Climate Change Strategy objectives be explored.