It was RESOLVED that the report be approved, and the following be noted:
a) the expected revenue budget efficiency for the year of £0.673m, incorporating the potential appropriation of £1m to a Vehicle Replacement Reserve (to be included in the Medium Term Financial Strategy report to Full Council in 2022);
b) the use of £0.1m in budget efficiencies from 2021/22, to boost the Strategic Growth Board budget in 2022/23, to support the community recovery from Covid, at paragraph 4.4 of the report;
c) the capital underspend of £10.204m, of which £8.420m is to be carried forward: £8.295m to the 2022/23 Capital Programme and £0.125m to the 2025/26 Capital Programme;
d) the acceleration of £40k capital provision for Play Areas from 2022/23 to 2021/22 to meet commitments;
e) the expected outturn position for Special Expenses of £10.2k deficit; and
f) the planned use of reserves at paragraph 4.2 of the report.