Issue - decisions

Diversity Annual Report - December 2020

11/01/2021 - Diversity Annual Report

The Strategic Human Resources Manager presented the report of the Executive Manager – Transformation which provided the Group with an update about the Council’s performance against the objectives set out in the Council’s equality scheme which were to:


·       Monitor the demographic make-up of our residents and our workforce

·       Consult customers and staff where appropriate

·       Carry out equality impact assessments as part of our four-year plan.


It was noted that the information in the report compared the demographic information for the Borough, using the latest census information, with that of our workforce with this information being taken from the HR /Payroll system. Additionally, although there was no legal duty for local authorities to collect and use equality data, authorities must understand the impact of their policies and practices on people with protected characteristics. Therefore, collecting, analysing and monitoring information is an important way to develop this understanding.


The Strategic Human Resources Manager was pleased to note that the Council broadly reflected the demographic of the Borough with 93% of Rushcliffe Borough Council employees in the white British or white other ethnic group which is the same as for the residents of the Borough (white 93%). It was also explained that the figure for the Borough was higher than that for the East Midlands (89%) and nationally (85%). The Strategic Human Resources Manager informed the Group that the Council was currently reviewing its recruitment policies and would ensure that these continue to operate fairly and encourage applications from under-represented groups. It was also noted that the Council’s age profile and  members of staff who had declared that they had a disability were similar to the population of Rushcliffe.


The Group were informed that gender pay reporting legislation required employers with 250 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees. The Strategic Human Resources Manager was pleased to note that since diversity was last reported to the Group in ? 2019 the gender pay gap had reduced from 8.9% to 1%, reflecting an increase in the proportion of women at higher levels of the organisation.


The Council’s employees had regular opportunities for training and development in support of equality and diversity. Training courses which had been attended by the Council’s employees included: unconscious bias training, coercive control training and mental health first aiders training. 


The Chairman thanked the Strategic Human Resources Manager for providing an update to the Group.


It was RESOLVED that the report of the Executive Manager – Transformation be noted.