It was RESOLVED that the report be approved and the following be noted:
a) the projected net effect of in-year efficiencies (£0.497m) and Covid-19 pressures (£2.355m) and Covid Government funding (£1.614m) resulting in an expected net revenue deficit for the year of £0.244m;
b) a projected £3.017m net surplus on Business Rates as a result of additional S31 reliefs be transferred to the Organisation Stabilisation Reserve to offset the expected Collection Fund deficit in later years;
c) the £0.723m receipts be transferred to reserves as follows - £0.523m to Organisation Stabilisation and £0.2m to the Development Corporation Reserve;
d) the capital underspend of £23.8m, of which £18.465m be carried forward: £17.965m to 2021/22 Capital Programme and £500k to 2022/23 Capital Programme;
e) the projected Special Expenses position with a projected deficit of £0.082m for the year be financed by a loan from the Council as agreed by the West Bridgford CIL and Special Expenses Group; and
f) the six-month trial to engage Waste Investigations Support and Enforcement to deliver enforcement of environmental crimes (following on from Communities Scrutiny Group discussions).