Issue - decisions

Draft Character Appraisal and Proposed Conservation Area for Cropwell Bishop

13/05/2020 - Draft Character Appraisal and Proposed Conservation Area for Cropwell Bishop

It is RESOLVED that


a)     the village of Cropwell Bishop would appear to possess qualities of special architectural and historic interest which would warrant its designation as a conservation area under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990;


b) the Draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and proposed conservation area boundary be approved for the purposes of public consultation, to last a period of 21 days and to include a public consultation event held in the village (timing of consultation and event will be influenced by any restrictions arising from the Coronavirus Pandemic); and


c)     a subsequent report following public consultation which may include a recommendation for the formal adoption of a revised conservation area character appraisal and for the designation of a conservation area for Cropwell Bishop be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting.