Issue - decisions

Chapel Lane Development

10/06/2020 - Chapel Lane Development

It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the RIBA stage 4 design and cost plan recommended by the Member Group as detailed in Appendix 1 and 2 of the report, which is in line with the approved budget be approved;


b)   the Procurement Strategy as recommended by the Member Group to use the Procurement Partnerships Framework be approved;


c)   responsibility for proceeding to tender be delegated to the Executive Manager for Communities in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Portfolio Holder for Business and Transformation and the Portfolio Holder for Finance.


d)   a report be brought back to Cabinet with the outcome of any tender exercise to seek approval for any phasing of the build, the procurement timetable and to appoint a construction contractor; and 


e) negotiation and completion of the Basic Asset Protection Agreement (BAPA) with Network Rail be delegated to the Executive Manager for Communities in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, the Monitoring Officer, the Portfolio Holder for Business and Transformation and the Portfolio Holder for Finance.