Issue - decisions

Use of Capital Funding for Affordable Homes

11/09/2019 - Use of Capital Funding for Affordable Homes

It was RESOLVED that:


a) the principle that the following new options, indicated below and set out in Appendix A, be considered for allocation of capital support from the Affordable Housing capital budget:

i) Acquisition of open market property

ii) Acquisition of empty property

iii) Loans to property owners of empty properties for refurbishment and letting

iv) Loans to third parties to support the provision of affordable housing

v) Support to ensure council led schemes are policy compliant in respect of the provision of affordable housing


b) any chosen option be subject to the approval of both the Section 151 Officer and Finance Portfolio Holder


c) a revised Disposal and Acquisition Policy for Land and Buildings be brought to Cabinet (and then Council), particularly to consider delegated authority for the acquisition of housing property.