Issue - decisions

Bingham Leisure Centre - Feasibility Options – Progress report

13/02/2019 - Bingham Leisure Centre - Review of Chapel Lane Site

It was RESOLVED that


a)    the outcome of the options appraisal be noted and the preferred option of a new leisure centre (with community hall) and stand-alone offices be approved;


b)    the procurement of a professional team to proceed to the next stage to proceed to the next stage of design, planning approval and tender development be authorised;


c)    a Cabinet led Member group to oversee the leisure aspect of the report be appointed;


d)    the financial implications identified within the report be noted and the inclusion of £20m in the Councils Capital Programme together with the funding and resource implications associated with the development in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy be approved and presented to Full Council on 7 March 2019;


e)    once successful planning permission has been achieved a further report be provided with pre-tender estimates and any revised funding consequences.