Issue - decisions

Review of Complaints

05/11/2018 - Annual Customer Feedback Report 2017/18

The Service Manager – Finance and Corporate Services presented the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services that summarised the complaints received during 2017/18 and provided a comparison to previous performance. It was noted that there had been a decline in the number of total complaints since 2011/12 by 65.5% (116 to 40) and that the percentage of complaints escalated past stage 1 had increased to 32.5%. The Board were also advised that the Council had received 69 compliments about its services in 2017/18, which was 19 more than during 2016/17. It was also noted that the Local Government Ombudsman had received 11 complaints and/or enquiries about the services that they offered. The Service Manager assured the Board that the Council always aimed to resolve residents’ complaints as quickly as possible and was confident that residents were satisfied with the services that were provided by the Council.


The Board asked several specific questions regarding the escalation of complaints and justified complaints. The Service Manager advised that residents who escalated their complaints were usually concerned with a Council policy rather than a particular issue. The Service Manager also noted that justified complaints were referred back to team leaders and that if any learning points arose as a result of a complaint about a particular service area they were raised at sectional team meetings as part of on-going training for staff. 


It was RESOLVED that the report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be noted.