Committee details

Corporate Governance Group

Purpose of committee

The terms of reference of this scrutiny committee include:


(a) Statement of Accounts:


(i) to examine the outturn and statement of accounts, making comments and recommendation to Council.

(b) Report on Code of Corporate Governance:

(i) to consider the annual report on compliance with the Council’s Corporate Governance Code and making recommendations to Cabinet on improvements/changes in practice and acceptance of a draft Statement

(ii) be designated with responsibility for the Governance of the Council (as per Council recommendation on 28 June 2007 minute 17).

(c) Report on Statement of Internal Control:

(i) to consider the annual report on the application of the Council’s

system of internal control and making recommendations to Cabinet on improvements/changes in practice and acceptance of a draft Statement.

(d) Annual Treasury Management Activity report:

(i) to consider the annual report on Treasury Management activity and ensure that practice has complied with the approved Treasury Management strategy, making comments to Cabinet as appropriate.

(e) Fraud and Irregularities:

(i) to consider the annual report on fraud and irregularities in support of making an informed judgement in respect of the corporate governance and internal control statements, making recommendations to Cabinet on improvements

(ii) to consider any matters arising as a result of irregularity referred to it by Cabinet.

(f) Capital and Revenue budget monitoring:

(i) to consider regular reports on progress against the revenue and capital budget, making recommendations to Cabinet on matters requiring its approval and where progress is considered to be unsatisfactory.

(g) Periodic reports on the findings of Internal Audit/due diligence/controls over key risk areas:

(i) to consider periodic reports on the more significant findings of internal audit in support of making an informed judgement in respect of the corporate governance and internal control statements, making recommendations to Cabinet on improvements

(ii) to consider periodic reports on controls over key risk areas as identified in the risk register in support of making an informed judgement in respect of the corporate governance and internal control statements, making recommendations to Cabinet on improvements.

(h) Monitor and review the operation of the Constitution:

(i) to monitor and review the operation of the Constitution to ensure that the aims and principles of the Constitution are given full effect

(ii) to recommend to council any non-minor changes to the Constitution




Contact information

Support officer: Tracey Coop. 0115 9148277