Agenda item

Simpler Recycling Update

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)           the approach set out in paragraph 4.17 of the report, to align the Council’s household waste collection arrangements with the ‘Simpler Recycling’ requirements be endorsed;


b)           the continuation of work with the Nottinghamshire Joint Waste Management Board to progress the wider operational planning for ‘Simpler Recycling’ implementation across the County be supported; and


c)           it be recommended that the Medium Term Financial Strategy (to be approved by Full Council) incorporates the financial implications at Appendix A to the report, and in particular the creation of a Simpler Recycling Reserve.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety, Councillor Inglis presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods, which provided an update on ‘Simpler Recycling’.


Councillor Inglis advised that the changes required were the biggest since the launch of the wheeled bin service in 2003, and that the introduction of ‘Simpler Recycling’ requirements was statutory and would include a weekly food waste collection and a new kerbside glass collection service. Councillor Inglis stated that whilst it had taken time for details to be finalised, officers had been working hard, and he thanked the Director – Neighbourhoods and the Head of Environment and Communities, who had played key roles in the development of the county-wide approach and the Nottinghamshire Joint Waste Management Committee. Cabinet noted that the report detailed the next steps towards the operational delivery of ‘Simpler Recycling’ for the Council as a Waste Collection Authority, in conjunction with Nottinghamshire County Council as the Waste Disposal Authority.


Councillor Inglis stated that the first target proposed was 31 March 2026, with details of the materials to be collected listed at Paragraph 4.2 of the report, with further national ambitions also detailed at Paragraphs 4.6 & 4.8.


Councillor Inglis confirmed that dry recycling would remain as a two-week collection, with the collection of additional materials as detailed at Paragraph 4.2. Glass recycling would switch to a kerbside service with a new wheeled bin, with a six-week collection cycle, which would be an opt out service, for residents that could not accommodate another bin, with work continuing to develop the best approach for communal bins. This new service would have financial implications, as detailed at Paragraph 4.26 and when the new service was in operation, the additional budget pressure was expected to be circa £190k per annum net of existing bring site budgets. Councillor Inglis was pleased that new technology would now allow mixed coloured glass to be separated at the reprocessing stage, which had always been an important factor for the Council, and negotiations were taking place with the glass processor, to hopefully generate an estimated income of £85k/annum. 


In respect of food waste, Councillor Inglis advised that a transitional arrangement had been agreed with DEFRA across the country, which would see kerbside food waste collections starting from 1 October 2027, with details of the service highlighted in Paragraphs 4.28 and 4.29. It was noted that there would be significant capital and revenue costs and it was hoped that those costs would be covered by ‘new burdens’ food waste transitional grant funding in 2025/26, expected to total £1.26m. Councillor Inglis stated that in respect of green bins, there was currently no plans to allow the inclusion of food waste into the garden waste wheeled bin, with the reasons highlighted in Paragraph 4.30.


Councillor Inglis advised that Paragraphs 4.31 to 4.39 and Appendix A to the report detailed both revenue and capital financial implications, with Section 6 detailing the various risks. 


Councillor Inglis concluded by confirming that the Council already had the highest recycling rate in the County of nearly 50%; however, the changes required by ‘Simpler Recycling’, should provide a further opportunity for residents to recycle their waste, which would increase the Council’s recycling rate.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor J Wheeler welcomed kerbside glass collection, together with the increased range of materials that could be dry recycled, as he felt that residents wanted to recycle more, but were often hindered by the different packaging. Councillor Wheeler felt that the introduction of the new arrangements highlighted how important it was that the Council had not wasted money by rushing into implementing its own scheme last year. It was noted that the money allocated by the Government would be insufficient; however, given the Council’s excellent financial management, funds would be available to meet the shortfall and to bring in glass recycling before it was mandatory.


Councillor Upton acknowledged that some properties would struggle to accommodate another wheeled bin for glass collection, and he hoped that there would be discussion on whether to keep some of the larger bring to sites, to allow residents alternative options. Councillor Inglis reiterated that provisions were being considered to hopefully cater for everyone.


The Leader stated that everyone welcomed increased options to recycle; however, this would involve ongoing additional costs, as detailed in the report, together with associated risks and uncertainty, but this was an important issue.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)           the approach set out in paragraph 4.17 of the report, to align the Council’s household waste collection arrangements with the ‘Simpler Recycling’ requirements be endorsed;


b)           the continuation of work with the Nottinghamshire Joint Waste Management Board to progress the wider operational planning for ‘Simpler Recycling’ implementation across the County be supported; and


c)           it be recommended that the Medium Term Financial Strategy (to be approved by Full Council) incorporates the financial implications at Appendix A to the report, and in particular the creation of a Simpler Recycling Reserve.

Supporting documents: