The report of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Chief Executive’s Department is attached.
The Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke MBE presented the report of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Chief Executive’s Department regarding the recruitment and appointment of a new Chief Executive.
Before moving the recommendation, the Leader thanked Kath Marriott for her hard work as Chief Executive, a role which she had performed extremely well over the past five years. The Leader referred to her compassion and empathy for all and thanked her for her support to both himself and the previous Leader of the Council. The Leader wished Kath well in her new role as Chief Executive at North Kesteven District Council.
The Director – Finance and Corporate Services and the Director – Neighbourhoods left the meeting during consideration of this item.
In moving the recommendation, the Leader referred to the comprehensive interview process, thanked members of the Interviewing Committee for their hard work and the excellent candidates that had applied. After a rigorous two-day process, the Leader confirmed that Mr Adam Hill, the current Chief Executive at Mansfield District Council was offered the post. The Leader referred to paragraph 4.10 in the report and stated that it was proposed that if necessary, the Director – Neighbourhoods be appointed as the interim Head of Paid Service and the Director – Finance and Corporate Service be appointed as the interim Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer.
Councillor Brennan seconded the recommendation, reserved the right to speak and thanked Kath for her help and support since becoming a Councillor, and wished her well.
Councillor J Walker welcomed and congratulated Mr Hill on his appointment and thanked Kath on behalf of the Labour Group for all she had done for the Borough and referred to the recent unprecedented times that the country and Borough had faced and how well Kath had led the Council through that. She thanked Kath for her time and support and felt that through her leadership, minority Councillors had been able to make an impact, and she wished Kath well in her new role.
Councillor S Mallender thanked Kath for her support during the pandemic when she was Mayor and wished her luck in her new role.
Councillor Thomas thanked Kath for her help and support over the years to the Leake Independent Group.
Councillor Birch welcomed Mr Hill and stated that he had been impressed since becoming a Councillor on how well the Council was run and thanked Kath for her help and assistance and wished her luck.
Councillor Upton personally thanked Kath for her help and support over the years and wished her good luck.
Councillor Combellack stated that Kath was valued by all Councillors and had a great knowledge and understanding of the Borough and would be greatly missed and wished her luck in her new role.
It was RESOLVED that:
a) the appointment of Adam Hill to the position of Chief Executive, including designation as Head of Paid Service, Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer be approved; and
b) the interim arrangements as set out in paragraph 4.10 of the report be approved.
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