Agenda item

Opposition Group Leaders' Questions

To answer questions submitted by Opposition Group Leaders on items on the agenda.


Question from Councillor J Walker to Councillor Brennan.


“Ambition 7 in the Economic Growth Strategy states it will provide support for business infrastructure to provide easy access for customers, suppliers and employees" as well as an ambition 8, to support residents who want to work but, face barriers to working. Despite these statements there is no stated action of how the Council will help accessibility needs in the document.?Has Cabinet considered how all residents access the local economy and made serious consideration as to how they will satisfy these aims as part of their business support?” 


Councillor Brennan thanked Councillor Walker for her question, referred to the importance of accessibility to businesses and detailed what the Strategy and  Action Plan covered and that it would be regularly reviewed by the Strategic Growth Board. Councillor Brennan referred to her recent meeting with Councillor Walker, a local resident, and Access Able, a company that provided information on accessibility, where it had been agreed that the actions would be reviewed, and the Council would seek funding. It was noted that commercial buildings had to be accessible by law where that was possible, although it was recognised that more could be done, and that information was not always available to users. Councillor Brennan advised that the previous Government had provided funding, including the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF); however, that was no longer available, and it was hoped that new funding would come from the Labour Government. In respect of ambition 8, the UKSPF was already being utilised to help those furthest from the labour market back into employment or training, and if that work was to carry on after March 2025, additional funding would be required.


Councillor Walker asked a supplementary question of Councillor Brennan.


“How actively does the Council engage with accessibility groups and those people who are marginalised, and would they be engaged with as part of the implementation of the Strategy.”


Councillor Brennan advised that this particular Strategy focused on economic impact and referred to the economic benefit to businesses of ensuring that they were accessible. Whether those specific accessibility issues sat within the Plan would be open to future discussions, although Councillor Brennan thought that there were some elements that did, and by looking at the Action Plan and identified priorities, cross over areas could be identified. It was noted that there were limited resources, and if any new initiatives were pursued, accessibility groups would be involved.


Question from Councillor Birch to Councillor Brennan. Councillor Birch was unable to attend the meeting, so his question was read out by the Leader.


"The consultation feedback highlights concerns about the focus on Central Avenue in West Bridgford. How does the Conservative Council plan to ensure that other town centres and villages across the borough, such as Bingham, Cotgrave, East Leake, Keyworth, and Radcliffe, receive adequate attention and investment to support balanced economic growth?”


Councillor Brennan confirmed that vibrant town and village centres were a key ambition of the Council, work was already underway with partners and would remain a priority. Councillor Brennan did not feel that there was significant feedback from the consultation, which stated that too much emphasis was being given to West Bridgford and stated that West Bridgford was a major settlement, with Central Avenue having a very high footfall, and it would be remise of the Council not to ensure its continued vibrancy. Significant investment had also been undertaken in other areas, including Cotgrave, Bingham, and Radcliffe on Trent, with retail reviews carried out across all town centres. Given funding was limited, where the Council did not own land or property, work had to be undertaken with local stakeholders to support delivery.


The Leader asked Councillor Brennan if she agreed that it would be appropriate to further publicise the investment made in other areas across the Borough and she agreed, advising that it was hoped that an item looking at the health of town centres would be considered by the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group in January 2025, and that might be the appropriate time.