Agenda item

Productivity Plan

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance, Councillor Virdi presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services detailing the Council’s Productivity Plan.


In moving the recommendation, Councillor Virdi stated that this Productivity Plan was based on the Council’s Transformation and Efficiency Plan, which had been agreed at Full Council in March 2024, and if endorsed this evening would be submitted to Government on 19 July 2024. The Plan focused on four key themes, as detailed in the table at paragraph 3.2 in Appendix A to the report. Councillor Virdi also highlighted two additional areas, one of which was the Council’s response to the fourth key theme regarding barriers, as detailed in Section 4 of Appendix A, with the second contextualising the environment that the Council had been working in, including a decrease in its core spending power, as detailed in paragraph 1.4 of Appendix A. Councillor Virdi concluded by advising that despite the challenges being faced, the Council continued to deliver excellent, high quality services to local residents, whilst delivering further efficiencies, as required by this Productivity Plan.


Councillor J Wheeler seconded the recommendation and reserved the right to speak.


Councillor J Walker thanked officers but advised that the Labour Group could not support the document as it ‘baked in’ the cuts that the Group had opposed in March. She felt that the barriers referred to in the report were important to highlight, as they showed the need for greater devolution, together with the challenges being faced. Councillor Walker stated that devolution would improve local democracy, allow more collaborative working to increase spending power and improve services. She felt that the inclusion of a multi-year settlement and the lack of clarity regarding the New Homes Bonus should have been included, as they were key factors why this and other councils struggled during very turbulent times. Councillor Walker hoped for positive change going forward and for an attitude of recovery rather than retribution.


Councillor Thomas stated that it was a good report but referred to paragraph 4.2 and to the change in terminology to use the term ‘reducing discretionary expenditure’ rather than ‘reducing wasteful spend’ and advised that those two things were completely different. She hoped going forward that if the new Government had different requirements, some of the barriers highlighted could be removed.


Councillor Chewings thanked officers but advised that he and Councillor Birch would not be supporting the report for the same reasons as aired at the Council meeting in March. He felt that efficiencies were cuts, the significant increase in parking revenue was effecting both residents and businesses, and the reductions in funding to public conveniences could not be supported. Whilst acknowledging that there was uncertainty and long standing issues regarding funding, he hoped that with the new Government in place things would change for the better.


Councillor J Wheeler thanked officers and stated that the Council had to go forward with the Plan as proposed and savings were being put forward to ensure that the Council effectively managed its finances. Public conveniences were still effectively being delivered by parish councils, and car parking charges had been increased rather than increasing Council Tax to ensure that people using the facilities were paying for them. Councillor Wheeler confirmed that the Council continued to invest in car parking infrastructure, together with other quality services around the Borough, whilst reviewing services to ensure that they were cost effective.    


Councillor Virdi confirmed that efficiencies were ‘baked into’ the budget, given the very challenging situation being faced, with several councils issuing Section 114 notices, it was important that this Council produced a balanced budget, which had been agreed at Full Council. He advised that this Plan would ensure collaborative working continued and agreed that there should be visibility around one year funding settlements. Councillor Virdi picked up on the points made around discretionary spending, and advised that it was not just that element, as the Transformation and Efficiency Programme was based on a three-fold approach, and since its inception, £7m of savings had been delivered. Councillor Virdi welcomed the positive engagement with members through the budgetary process and stated that he would be happy to go through some of the points and ideas raised tonight. He concluded by thanking the Director – Finance and Corporate Services and his team and referred to the additional £138k funding received as part of this process.


It was RESOLVED that the Productivity Plan be adopted and its submission to Government be supported.

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