Agenda item

Business Continuity Strategy

Report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services


The Emergency Planning Officer presented the Council’s Business Continuity Strategy for 2024-2027 which provided the Group with a broad understanding of the Council’s arrangements to provide critical functions and services in the face of a significant disruptive incident.


The Emergency Planning Officer explained the Business Continuity Strategy provides an operational framework for the Council’s response to incidents that may cause significant disruption to Council business and its services, providing good resilience to both employees, residents and third-party partnerships, such as Parkwood.


The Group noted the aims and objectives of the Business Continuity Strategy and the ability of the Council to anticipate, mitigate and where possible minimise any disruption caused by an unplanned disruptive event.


With regards to risk and the impact on business continuity the Group were advised that the strategy considers the Council’s Risk Management review process and ensures the Council’s Business Continuity Planning remains up to date and aligned with the latest organisational priorities and each department are required to meet with the Emergency Planning Officer to review and update its Business Impact Analysis and relevant documentation.


The Emergency Planning Officer advised that regular training is provided to all members of the Executive Emergency Team and all staff are informed of the process and further training is made available if and when required. Councillors are also provided with training to ensure they understand what may be required of them to assist the Council in the continuity and recovery process. The Group were asked to note that further communication, training and awareness campaigns are expected to be delivered January/February 2025.


The Emergency Planning Officer explained the Strategy is improved continuously by established mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and reviewing of the strategy’s effectiveness through audits and staff feedback   and lessons learned from incidents and exercises. I addition, the Group were advised that there is a clear governance structure in place which meets legal, regulatory and industry standards.


Councillor Plant commented on the communication and coordination protocols and highlighted how crucial it was that Councillors are kept informed and are provided with up-to-date information. The Emergency Planning Officer advised that training sessions are provided annually for both officers and staff and the response roles they may be required to assist with. The Director for Finance and Corporate Services suggested that a link to Emergency Planning for Councillorts be made available via the Councillor’s Portal on the intranet and would be shared with all Councillors.


Councillor Polenta asked a specific question in relation to monitoring and review and lessons learned and how this is fed into the plan for future reference. The Emergency Planning Officer explained that there are a number of reporting processes from various internal and external agencies that are then fed into the plan and where critical services or communities have been affected.


Councillor Matthews commended the Council’s Emergency Planning response to the past year’s storms and flooding events and thanked officers and staff on the frontline for listening to communities and residents and for the Council’s well executed response to their needs.


It was RESOLVED that the Corporate Overview Group scrutinised and provided comment on the Business Continuity Strategy.















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