Agenda item

Rushcliffe Carbon Offsetting Framework

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the Carbon Offsetting Framework be approved, for the repurpose or  acquisition of land or partner with other agencies to deliver carbon offsetting in the Borough of Rushcliffe; and


b)               the Director – Neighbourhoods, in conjunction with the Council’s S151 Officer be delegated responsibility to implement the Carbon Offsetting Framework, in accordance with the Council’s Acquisitions and Disposals Policy and Financial Regulations.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, Councillor Upton presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods, which detailed the Carbon Offsetting Framework for Rushcliffe.


Councillor Upton stated that in 2020 the Council agreed a target to be carbon neutral by 2030, from its direct operations, and it adopted a Carbon Management Action Plan to monitor progress. In 2021 the Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030 was adopted and good progress was being made, with several projects underway; however, some carbon offsetting estimated at 360 tonnes per annum would still be required.  Councillor Upton advised that the focus of the framework would be offsetting within the Borough, including the establishment and enhancement of a range of natural habitats. The Council could choose to acquire carbon credits from third party providers or land outside the Borough; however, it was considered important to show local leadership. Councillor Upton referred to the options available, which were detailed in paragraph 4.5 of the report, with 40 hectares of additional woodland and 10 hectares of additional meadow or wetland required to offset the Council’s carbon emissions. Section 4 of the report provided details of the types of natural habitat that could give good carbon offsetting, together with the principles of what and where to plant and included a map detailing the best areas of the Borough for re-wilding.     


Councillor Upton confirmed that some land acquisition would be required, which would need to go through the Acquisitions and Disposals Policy. Section 6 of the report set out guidelines and some risks and recommended that a Site Specific Risk Assessment should be undertaken for all proposed purchases. Councillor Upton referred to paragraphs 7.14 to 7.16 of the report, which detailed how purchase costs could be achieved by using the Climate Change Reserve, together with various funding support schemes. Councillor Upton concluded by reiterating that good progress was being made, but that action needed to be taken now on this matter.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Brennan stated that to achieve the carbon neutral targets by 2030, some difficult and potentially expensive decisions would have to be made, and the report provided a pragmatic reflection that some carbon offsetting was required. Councillor Brennan welcomed the recommendation to purchase land within the Borough, even though that might be more expensive, as it would provide an opportunity to enhance the local environment and increase biodiversity. She referred to a recent report, which had stated how ‘de-natured’ the UK had become and welcomed the opportunity to creatively improve the natural environment across the Borough and agreed that it was important to take action now. 


The Leader welcomed the report and recommendations and stated that going forward other options and alternatives would be considered to further increase offsetting.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the Carbon Offsetting Framework be approved, for the repurpose or  acquisition of land or partner with other agencies to deliver carbon offsetting in the Borough of Rushcliffe; and


b)               the Director – Neighbourhoods, in conjunction with the Council’s S151 Officer be delegated responsibility to implement the Carbon Offsetting Framework, in accordance with the Council’s Acquisitions and Disposals Policy and Financial Regulations.

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