Agenda item

Rushcliffe Growth Boards Review Process

The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)           the work of the Growth Boards be endorsed to date;


b)           the proposal to take a report to Growth and Development Scrutiny Group to review options and identify a new approach be adopted; and


c)           a further report be brought to Cabinet in November 2023, detailing the outcome of the review and the Scrutiny Group discussions.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth, Councillor Brennan, presented the report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth, which outlined the process for reviewing the Rushcliffe Growth Boards.


Councillor Brennan referred to the history of the Growth Boards as highlighted in the report and confirmed that it was now timely to review them to ensure that they remained fit for purpose.  Cabinet noted that the report set out the proposed process for that review, some background information, including the original objectives, work already undertaken and the proposed next steps.  The impact of the Covid pandemic had been significant on all aspects of life, and the impact of housing growth in many areas had also been keenly felt, and Councillor Brennan stated that it was right to review the existing structure, membership, and objectives, to ensure that they would deliver going forward.  Details of the background to the setting up of the Boards, and the makeup of the Boards themselves were highlighted in paragraph 4.1 onwards of the report.  Councillor Brennan advised that the remit and focus of each of the Boards varied slightly depending on identified priorities for each particular area; however, the overarching priority was to proactively plan and manage growth, to maximise opportunities and to look at the impacts on local infrastructure.  Paragraph 4.15 of the report highlighted key achievements over the past eight years.  Cabinet noted that membership of the local Boards was largely similar as detailed in paragraphs 4.12 and 4.13 of the report.  Councillor Brennan referred to the difficulty in securing business representation in many cases, and that an important element of the review would be to try to understand the reasons for that and address them.  Paragraph 4.16 of the report detailed the context for the Growth Boards going forward, including UKSPF funding and the East Midlands Airport development, together with the creation of some new community groups.


In conclusion, Councillor Brennan stated that it was important to consider the views of the many stakeholders involved over the past eight years, and subject to Cabinet’s approval, future options would be considered by the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group, before coming back to Cabinet later in the year.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Upton stated that as the former Chair of the West Bridgford Growth Board, and a current member of the Ratcliffe on Trent Growth Board, he considered that they had achieved a great deal by working in partnership.  Councillor Upton agreed that there had been considerable change, which continued, and it was appropriate to review them to ensure that they were fit for purpose and in the right areas.


Councillor Clarke agreed that it was important to check that the Boards had the correct focus and were fit for purpose.


Councillor J Wheeler reiterated the comments made by Councillor Upton and stated that as a long serving member of the West Bridgford Growth Board, he had seen the impact that the Growth Boards had had across the Borough, and it was pleasing to see new businesses opening and thriving in many areas.  Cabinet was reminded that this would not be the first review; however, having scrutiny involvement highlighted the commitment to seeking wider views, to ensure that the Boards continued to be fit for purpose and that the strategic sites across the Borough had the maximum impact for residents.


Councillor Clarke stated that when the Boards were first established, the idea was that they would be streamlined to ensure that work was completed.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)           the work of the Growth Boards be endorsed to date;


b)           the proposal to take a report to Growth and Development Scrutiny Group to review options and identify a new approach be adopted; and


c)           a further report be brought to Cabinet in November 2023, detailing the outcome of the review and the Scrutiny Group discussions.

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