The report of the Director
– Neighbourhoods is attached.
It was RESOLVED that Cabinet:
a)acknowledges the need for an additional local
community venue for hire within the Sharphill Woods SUE to serve the emerging community
following an internal review of community provision; and
b)approves the allocation of £0.5m in the
Capital Programme for 2023/24 to develop a local community venue
for hire within the Sharphill Woods SUE
to meet the future needs of the area.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Communities and Climate Change,
Councillor Brennan, presented the report of the Director –
Neighbourhoods outlining proposals for a new Edwalton Community
Councillor Brennan advised that the report provided an update on
the Sharphill Woods Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) and provision
of local community spaces for hire within the development to meet
the needs of new residents and to compliment the wider community
space for hire.
Councillor Brennan stated that the SUE, which was currently
being developed comprised around 1,500 dwellings, employment land,
local amenities, and a primary school with integrated community
facilities. There were two primary
schools within the SUE, Edwalton Primary and the new Rosecliffe
Primary School, with the latter containing a joint use community
element to meet the needs of the emerging community.
Cabinet was advised that to meet the educational needs of the
school and to safeguard the children, it would not be possible for
local groups to use this shared community space during the day and
therefore a review of available community venues had been
undertaken, and it was concluded that there was a need for a
smaller hall for daytime use to cater for groups up to 40
people. In consultation with the
developer, Councillor Brennan confirmed that a site had been
identified for an accessible community facility, with pedestrian
links to Sharphill Woods and other local amenities. Reference was made to the key requirements for the
new facility highlighted in Paragraphs 4.14 and 4.15 of the report,
including a commitment that the facility should align with the
Council’s carbon reduction targets, and Cabinet was advised
that the indicative plans appended to the report showed that the
facility would essentially be carbon net zero.
respect of the ownership and management of the site, Councillor
Brennan confirmed that Cabinet was being asked to make provision
for the building costs of £0.5m, the developers would
construct the building and then donate it to the Council for
ongoing maintenance and management, as detailed in paragraphs 4.16
and 7 of the report.
seconding the recommendation, Councillor Upton referred to the size
of the SUE and the importance of having a local community
building. Councillor Upton stated that
it was unfortunate that the joint use community agreement for the
facilities at the new school prevented community use during school
hours due to safeguarding issues, which was understandable;
however, the proposed community building should provide a first
class facility for all local residents.
Councillor Upton welcomed the proposed location, liked the
indicative building design, and concluded by stating that becoming
carbon neutral by 2030 would be a challenge but considered it to be
Councillor Robinson stressed the need for this building and
confirmed that the proposed design had been considered at four
meetings of the Sharphill Stakeholder Group and welcomed the
positive local input, including the Friends of
Sharphill. Councillor Robinson advised
that plans had been amended to meet community requirements and it
was noted that the large school hall would still be available,
subject to the time restraints already referred to. In respect of local requirements, Councillor
Robinson stated that more mature residents often preferred to meet
during the day, particularly in the winter months, and this
building would meet that need, especially as the site was already
well populated. Cabinet noted that a
key issue was access, and whilst the potential location had
originally been more central, in terms of the layout of the site
itself and access routes, this proposed location was more
suitable. Councillor Robinson was sure
that the Edwalton community would welcome this development, in
addition to the community park and playgrounds and other local
facilities and looked forward to seeing its progression over the
next 18 months.
It was RESOLVED that Cabinet:
a)acknowledges the need for an additional local
community venue for hire within the Sharphill Woods SUE to serve
the emerging community following an internal review of community
provision; and
b)approves the allocation of £0.5m in the
Capital Programme for 2023/24 to develop a local community venue
for hire within the Sharphill Woods SUE to meet the future needs of
the area.