Agenda item

Planning Applications

The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth.


The Committee considered the written report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth relating to the following applications, which had been circulated previously.


22/22785/FUL – Erection of 2 No. residential dwellings including associated landscaping and access work – Land North of 18 Gladstone Avenue, Gotham, Nottinghamshire




There were no additional representations for this item.


In accordance with the Council’s Public Speaking Protocol for Planning Committee, Councillor R Walker (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee.






1.              The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


[To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004].


2.              The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


·                 VED644 02 REV F – Proposed Elevations and Floor Plans

·                 VED644 01 REV E – Site Location Plan

·                 VED644 03 REV B – Proposed Site Layout


[For the avoidance of doubt and to comply with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Local Plan Part 1: Rushcliffe Core Strategy and Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


3.              The approved boundary treatment and hard landscaping, referenced in the submitted plan VED644 03 REV B Site Layout Plan, shall be installed prior to the dwellings being occupied. The approved soft landscaping shall be planted during the first planting season following occupation of the dwellings.


[To ensure that the amenities of future and surrounding occupiers are protected, and to comply with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Local Plan Part 1: Rushcliffe Core Strategy and Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


4.              The dwellings must not be brought into use until the run-off limitation measures have been installed in accordance with the details provided within VED644 03 REV B.


[To ensure that adequate surface water drainage provision is secured for the site, in accordance with Policy 18 (Surface Water Management) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


5.               The development shall not be brought into use until the access driveways have been provided and surfaced in a bound material (not loose gravel),

which shall be drained to prevent the discharge of surface water from the driveway to the public highway. The bound material and the provision to prevent the discharge of surface water to the public highway shall be retained as such for the life of the development.


[In the interests of highway safety and to comply Policy 1 (Development

Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land & Planning Policies].


6.              The dwellings shall not be occupied until a dropped vehicular footway

crossing has been provided along the whole of the site frontage, in accordance with the Highway Authority's specifications.


[In the interests of highway safety and to comply Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land & Planning Policies].


7.              The off-street car parking spaces (including the garages), as shown on the approved site layout plan referred to under condition 2 of this planning permission, shall be retained for off-street car parking and kept free from all other obstructions, for the life of the development. The garages shall not be used for any purpose that would prohibit the parking of a vehicle.


[To ensure that adequate off-street car parking is secured for the life of the development, in the interests of highway safety and to comply Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land & Planning Policies].


8.              The dwellings hereby approved shall not be constructed above damp proof course level until a scheme for the provision of an electric vehicle charging

point for each dwelling has been submitted to and approved by the Borough Council. Thereafter, unless it has been demonstrated that the provision of electric vehicle charging points is not technically feasible, each dwelling shall not be occupied until it has been serviced with the appropriate electric vehicle charging infrastructure, in accordance with the approved scheme. The electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall thereafter be retained and maintained for the lifetime of the development.


     [To ensure that the development is capable of promoting sustainable modes of transport and to comply with Policy 41 (Air Quality) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


9.              The residential dwellings hereby permitted shall be designed to meet the higher 'Optional Technical Housing Standard' for water consumption of no more than 110 litres per person per day.


[To promote a reduction in water consumption and to comply with criteria 3 of Policy 12 (Housing Standards) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


10.           This development shall be constructed in accordance with the Construction Method Statement t (CMS) received on 8 February 2022, as discharged under application 21/03006/DISCON.


[To ensure that the site is developed in a safe manner and limit the impacts upon residential amenity and highways safety throughout the construction phase, in accordance with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan 2: Land and Planning Policies].


11.           Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 1, Classes B and C of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) there shall be no additional windows (including roof lights and dormer windows) inserted within any part of the roof of the dwellings hereby approved, other than as shown on the approved plans referred to in condition 2 of this permission, nor any alterations to any part of the roof of the dwellings hereby approved.


[In order to protect the living conditions of surrounding occupiers from any unacceptable levels of overlooking and/or loss of privacy, and to comply with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Local Plan Part 1: Rushcliffe Core Strategy and Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


12.               Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A of

the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) the proposed garages shall be retained as parking spaces and not converted into living accommodation. There shall be no external alteration (including insertion of windows and doors) within any part of the garages herby approved, other than as shown on the approved plans referred to in condition 2 of this permission.


[To ensure that adequate off-street car parking is secured for the life of the development, in the interests of highway safety and to comply Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land & Planning Policies].



Please be advised that all applications approved on or after the 7th October 2019 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Further information about CIL can be found on the Borough Council's website at


This permission does not give any legal right for any work on, over or under land or buildings outside the application site ownership or affecting neighbouring property, including buildings, walls, fences and vegetation within that property. If any such work is anticipated, the consent

of the adjoining land owner must first be obtained. The responsibility for meeting any claims for damage to such features lies with the applicant.


Condition 11 requires the new dwelling to meet the higher 'Optional Technical Housing Standard' for water consumption of no more than 110 litres per person per day. The developer must inform their chosen Building Control Body of this requirement as a condition of their planning permission.


The Borough Council is charging developers for the first time provision of wheeled refuse containers for household and recycling wastes. Only containers supplied by Rushcliffe Borough Council will be emptied, refuse containers will need to be provided prior to the occupation of any dwellings. Please contact the Borough Council (Tel: 0115 981 9911) and ask for the Recycling Officer to arrange for payment and delivery of the bins.


This Authority is charging for the discharge of conditions in accordance with revised fee regulations which came into force on 6 April 2008. Application forms to discharge conditions can be found on the Rushcliffe Borough Council website.


You are advised that should the site contain asbestos, it will require specialist removal. Further advice on this matter can be obtained from Nottinghamshire County Council (0115 977 2019). Alternatively you can obtain an asbestos fact sheet from their website.


21/03076/FUL – Single storey front extension – Café Piano, 7A Main Road, Radcliffe On Trent, Nottinghamshire




Additional representations were received after the agenda had been published and were circulated to the Committee before the meeting.






1.                  Due to its siting and scale, the proposed extension would represent an incongruous addition to the shopping parade and would have an intrusive visual impact in the street scene, which would be unsympathetic to the character of the surroundings. The proposed development is, therefore, contrary to Section 12  (Achieving Well Designed Places) of the National Planning Policy Framework, policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy, policies 1 (Development Requirements) & 25 (Development within District Centres and Local Centres) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies, and policy 14 (Design and Layout) of the Radcliffe on Trent Neighbourhood Plan.


2.                  The proposed development would result in the loss of a Maple tree which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order and which enhances the street scene and has notable public amenity value. The proposed development is, therefore, contrary to the environmental objective of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy 37 (Trees and Woodlands) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies.





Supporting documents: