Agenda item

Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station Local Development Order

The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)     the preparation of a Local Development Order for the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station site be approved;


b)     it be agreed that the Council enters into a Memorandum of Understanding with the site owner and works with them to prepare a draft Local Development Order, to be brought back to the Cabinet for approval;


c)     the draft timetable contained in Appendix A of the report be approved;


d)     the following additions to the terms of reference for the Local Development Framework Group in the Council’s Constitution be approved: “The Local Development Framework Group shall consider and make recommendations to cabinet or Council on all draft Local Development Orders and any other relevant documents”; and


e)     it be agreed that the Director for Development and Economic Growth act as project Director for the Local Development Order and oversee its preparation and all associated consultations.     


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth, Councillor Edyvean presented the report of the Director for Development and Economic Growth providing an update on the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station Local Development Order (LDO).


Councillor Edyvean advised that this report constituted further steps in planning terms in creating opportunities for the redevelopment of the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station site.  Cabinet was remined of the importance of this significant strategic site, as a key component of both the East Midlands Freeport and the East Midland Development Corporation (EMDC).  The Council had worked closely with the site owners, and after looking at all of the options, it was considered that an LDO would be the best route to secure the future redevelopment of the site, as a multi-use complex with a low carbon energy focus. 


Councillor Edyvean reminded Cabinet that in order to meet the requirements to qualify for Freeport benefits, businesses would need to be established by 30 September 2026, and the LDO was the best vehicle to meet this target.  Cabinet noted that the Government guidelines also recommended the use of LDOs for this purpose.


The report detailed that consideration was being given to the removal of the site from the Green Belt in preparation for the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan; however, it was noted that the timescale for that Plan did not facilitate the required timetable to bring the site forward for the Freeport process.  Cabinet was reminded that consideration of this report was only the first step, and this draft document would be considered by the cross-party Local Development Framework Group (LDFG) and Full Council.  To allow this to happen, an amendment to the Council’s Constitution would be required to the LDFG terms of reference. 


Councillor Edyvean stated that a clear vision for the redevelopment of the site had already been outlined, in accordance with the terms of reference for both the East Midlands Freeport and the EMDC, and details of the reasons for the suitability of the LDO as a correct vehicle, together with an outline of the process were highlighted in sections 4.7 to 4.17 of the report.  Cabinet was remined that the LDO would give the Council, as the Local Planning Authority, considerable control to ensure that the site was developed as envisaged, and to bring economic prosperity and opportunity for the future. 


In conclusion, Councillor Edyvean referred to the huge opportunities that lay ahead, to increase the prosperity of the area and transform it to a greener economy.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis stated that the report provided a strong case for approving the preparation of the LDO and referred to the significance of this important strategic site.  Cabinet was reminded that the LDO was a tool, recommended by the Planning Advisory Service, and which was also encouraged within the Government’s Freeport prospectus, to expediate the future development of the site, within the necessary timescales.


Councillor Inglis reiterated that this would be the first stage in the process, which would incorporate public consultation, early engagement with the community and stakeholders, together with scrutiny through the Council’s cross-party LDFG, before finally being presented to Full Council.


In conclusion, Councillor Inglis referred to the considerable opportunities that the development of this site would create, for new and major business activity, together with the creation of substantial employment, which could be achieved by the early delivery of this project with its low carbon energy focus.   


The Leader commented that undoubtedly this site was a significant strategic site not just for the East Midlands but the country, given its unique strategic importance, with its location, close to East Midlands Airport, the M1, and with the recent confirmation that HS2 would be coming to this site.  Cabinet was reminded that the East Midlands Freeport and the EMDC were also planned for this area, and so it was key that as a Council, Rushcliffe helped to facilitate this process.


The Leader confirmed that the National Planning Policy Framework encouraged Local Planning Authorities to use LDOs to set the planning framework, where it was deemed that the impacts would be acceptable, and in particular where this would promote economic, social or environmental gains for the area.  Cabinet noted that green technology would be an important aspect of this site, so it was likely to meet the criteria.


The Leader reiterated that Cabinet was not considering granting planning permission, it was looking at the framework, hence the consideration of the LDO.  The LDO was a tool, and Cabinet was reminded that this was the first time that Rushcliffe Borough Council had done this, and it reflected the importance both locally and nationally for this site.


In conclusion, the Leader reminded everyone that this was the start of the process, including extensive consultation, scrutiny by the LDFG, further reports to Cabinet, and it was hoped a final report to Full Council in December next year.  Cabinet noted that the six week public consultation would commence on Monday, 29 November, and everyone was asked to get involved and have a say in this important issue.


Councillor Brennan reiterated the comments made and stated that it was pleasing to see this really useful tool coming forward, given the potential for this site, together with its possible uniqueness, in respect of its transport connectivity, particularly given the recent news about the HS2 project.  It was hoped that there would be a considerable demand to use the site going forward, and it was vital that as a Council, Rushcliffe had the best tool to utilise that potential.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)     the preparation of a Local Development Order for the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station site be approved;


b)     it be agreed that the Council enters into a Memorandum of Understanding with the site owner and works with them to prepare a draft Local Development Order, to be brought back to the Cabinet for approval;


c)     the draft timetable contained in Appendix A of the report be approved;


d)     the following additions to the terms of reference for the Local Development Framework Group in the Council’s Constitution be approved: “The Local Development Framework Group shall consider and make recommendations to cabinet or Council on all draft Local Development Orders and any other relevant documents”; and


e)     it be agreed that the Director for Development and Economic Growth act as project Director for the Local Development Order and oversee its preparation and all associated consultations.    

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