Agenda item

Ratcliffe on Soar Update

The report of the Chief Executive is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the progress on the programmes in place to support the redevelopment of Ratcliffe on Soar be noted; and


b)               the Council’s continued involvement in all programmes be endorsed.


The Leader, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Chief Executive providing an update on the Ratcliffe on Soar site.


The Leader referred to the significant strategic importance of the site, to the Borough, the East Midlands and nationally, and advised that due to the nature of the projects being discussed for the site, the situation was constantly evolving. 


The Leader focused on three keys issues; the East Midlands Development Corporation (EMDC), the East Midlands Freeport (EMF) and the STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production), details of which were highlighted in part 4 of the report. 


In respect of the EMDC, the Leader confirmed that it was recognised in the Government’s IRP report that this would be the delivery vehicle, with further details expected in the forthcoming Planning Bill.  Cabinet was advised that the current focus was on the recruitment of non-executive posts and to refresh the Alchemy Board.  The Leader advised that collaborative working was taking place, on a number of themes and Cabinet would continue to be updated as work progressed.


The Leader reported a similar evolving situation in respect of the EMF, with an outline business case submitted to the Government in September, and following feedback, the final business case was due for submission at the end of January 2022. Cabinet noted that the Leader and Chief Executive were attending regular Board meetings, which covered an extensive range of challenging issues.  Work to consider any alignment between the Freeport and the EMDC was also being undertaken.


In respect of the STEP, the Leader confirmed that the site had been shortlisted as one of five final sites to host the project, and as previously reported to Cabinet in March 2021, the UK Atomic Energy Authority was undertaking a rigorous assessment of the site, to identify its final chosen site.  The Leader referred to the significance of the HS2 major hub being located so close to this site and advised Cabinet that it would receive an update report on the progress and timelines of the project in February 2022.  It was noted that the consultation would close on 24 December, and the County Council would prepare the feedback to the responses received.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Edyvean reiterated the importance of this significant site and was pleased to note that the Council was doing everything it could to ensure a successful redevelopment of the site.  Cabinet was reminded how much the Borough could benefit from the proposed projects, and whilst none of the outcomes were guaranteed, it was essential that the Council continued its endorsement of those projects.


The Leader concluded by confirming that the Cabinet would continue to receive regular updates, as given the complexity and challenges of the site, there was  a great deal of work to be done, and the huge employment and investment opportunities could not be underestimated.  It was also important that everyone got involved and took part in the consultation, to help shape the future of this site. 


It was RESOLVED that:


a)               the progress on the programmes in place to support the redevelopment of Ratcliffe on Soar be noted; and


b)               the Council’s continued involvement in all programmes be endorsed.

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