Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


The Mayor invited declarations of interest. A number of Councillors declared an interest in Item 9 – Petition: Community Governance Review (Bingham Town Council) as follows:


Councillor Purdue-Horan stated that he is a member of Bingham Town Council and would be leaving the room during the debate.


Councillor J Stockwood declared a non-pecuniary interest and stated that he would leave the room during the debate.


Councillor M Stockwood declared an interest and stated that she would not take part in the debate but intended to remain in the room.


Councillor Williams declared an interest as a member of Bingham Town Council and stated that he would leave the room during the debate.


Councillor R Walker declared an interest as Chairman of the Standards Committee, and the recent Hearings Committee, that heard complaints that could be considered to relate to matters in the petition. He went on to state that he had not considered the recommendations included in the report in either role. In addition, the report focuses on the community governance review provisions in the Local Government Involvement and Public Health Act and Councillor R Walker reported to Council that he did not feel this was a standards matter nor one that he could not approach with an open mind and without predetermination. Therefore, he did not intend to stand down from Council for the item.


Councillor Mason declared an interest as a member of the Standards Committee, and the recent Hearings Committee. She informed Council that the recommendations in the report, and the report content, related to matters that she had not considered in those roles and, therefore, she felt that she could approach the debate with an open mind and without predetermination, and did not intend to stand down from Council for the item.


Councillor Phillips declared an interest as a member of the Standards Committee, and the recent Hearings Committee, that heard complaints that could be considered to relate to matters in the petition. He went on to state that he had not considered the recommendations included in the report in either role. Therefore, he did not intend to stand down from Council for the item.


Councillor R Mallender declared an interest as a member of the Standards Committee, and the recent Hearings Committee, that heard complaints that could be considered to relate to matters in the petition. He went on to say that the recommendations included in the report, and the report content, relate to a community governance review and had not been considered by him in either role so he felt he could approach the debate with an open mind and without predetermination, and did not intend to stand down from Council for the item.


Councillor Simms declared an interest as his wife is a Bingham Town Councillor. He informed Council that he felt he could approach the debate with an open mind and in an unprejudiced manner, and therefore intended to take an active role in the debate.


Councillor Brennan declared an interest as a former member of the Standards Committee where complaints were heard that may be deemed to relate to the content of the report under consideration this evening. She stated that the complaints dealt with did not relate to the complaints outlined in the petition and therefore did not intend to stand down for the discussion of the item. 


Councillor Clarke declared an interest as the County Councillor for Bingham West but informed Council that he had no direct involvement with Bingham Town Council. He also made Council aware that he was a former member of the Standards Committee but had not considered any items in either role that were relevant to the report or its recommendation so did not intend to stand down from Council for the item.


Councillor Combellack informed Council that she is a former member of the Standards Committee but had no interest to declare in relation to tonight’s matters.


Councillor Gray declared an interest as a member of the Standards Committee and informed Council that the recommendations in the report, and the report content, related to matters that he had not considered in that role and, therefore, he felt that he could approach the debate with an open mind and without predetermination, and did not intend to stand down from Council for the item.


Councillor Bailey declared an interest as the former Chairman of the Standards Committee where complaints which could be considered as relating to the petition were discussed. She assured Council that she had not considered the recommendations in the report, or the report content, in that role and therefore did not consider this to be prejudicial to the item under discussion this evening. Councillors Bailey informed Council that she would not be standing down from Council for the debate.


No other declarations of interest were made.