Agenda item

Work Programme

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Director – Neighbourhoods presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services, which detailed the proposed Communities Scrutiny Group Work Programme for 2021/22. 


The Chairman confirmed that an updated version of the Work Programme had been circulated to members of the Group, to incorporate the decisions made by the Corporate Overview Group at its meeting on 20 July 2021. 


The Chairman referred to the meeting on 7 October 2021 and advised that the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety, Councillor Inglis, would be invited to attend the meeting when the report on Police Performance and Resources for Rushcliffe would be considered.  The Group noted that the new Police inspector for Rushcliffe would also be in attendance to assist with the consideration of the item.


The Group was advised that a report on Community Facilities and Assets, due to be considered on 7 October 2021, had been removed from the Work Programme by the Corporate Overview Group.  The Chairman advised that this decision had been taken given that many facilities had yet to reopen properly, or were being used for other functions, and it would be appropriate to delay the report, until the meeting in January 2022.  The Chairman advised that he had requested that a Briefing Note be sent to all Councillors, providing an overview of the current situation regarding Council facilities.


In respect of the meeting scheduled for 27 January 2022, the Corporate Overview Group had agreed that the report on Tree Conservation should be considered by the Growth and Development Scrutiny Group instead, as it would also be considering a report on Conservation Areas, and those two issues were linked.  The Group noted that currently the meeting in January would have two substantive items, the Housing Delivery Plan and the delayed Community Facilities and Assets report.


The Chairman advised that for the meeting on 28 April 2022, there was a possibility that the Waste Strategy report could be delayed, as it was dependent on the publication of the Government’s report.


The Director – Neighbourhoods reiterated the changes outlined by the Chairman and advised that there were a number of topics on the Scrutiny Matrix, which could further populate the Work programme in due course. 


Given that the next meeting of the Corporate Overview Group would not be held until after the next meeting of this Group, the Chairman suggested that he and the Vice-Chairman would speak with the Chairman of the Corporate Overview Group and officers, with a view to agreeing which items, if any, from the Scrutiny Matrix should be added to the Group’s Work Programme for its meeting on 7 October 2021.  It was confirmed that the Group would be notified of any changes to the Work Programme.




a)        that the Work Programme detailed below be approved by the Communities Scrutiny Group:


7 October 2021


Police Performance and Resources for Rushcliffe

Work Programme


27 January 2022


Housing Delivery Plan

Community Facilities and Assets

Work Programme


28 April 2022


Carbon Management Plan

Waste Strategy

Work Programme


b)        that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman consult with the Chairman of the Corporate Overview Group and officers, with a view to agreeing which items, if any, from the Scrutiny Matrix should be added to the Group’s Work Programme for its meeting on 7 October 2021. 




Minute Item


Officer responsible


An update on the Carbon Management Plan be circulated to members of the Group

Director - Neighbourhoods


Officers to contact all local volunteer groups to ensure that they know how to report ASB

Service Manager – Public Protection


Article to be placed in Councillors’ Connections on how members may sign up to Notts safeguarding website

Director - Neighbourhoods


Officers to ensure that all organisations and groups hiring Council facilities are aware of the safeguarding training that is available

Communities Manager


Officers to explore advisory ‘how to access support’ signage in relevant community facilities

Service Manager - Neighbourhoods


Supporting documents: