Agenda item

Rushcliffe Arena Facilities Review

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)         the closure of the current indoor bowls facility be approved;


b)         a basic conversion of the hall to a multi-functional sports and event space at a cost of £60k be approved; and


c)          officers’ work in mitigating the loss of the facility in its current format be supported, by offering further support to remaining Bowls Club members including exploring the introduction of short mat bowls at the Arena.



The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Climate Change, Councillor Brennan presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods reviewing the Rushcliffe Arena Facilities.


Councillor Brennan referred to the devasting impact of the Covid pandemic on the leisure industry and confirmed that the Council had been working closely with its leisure providers to support them.  Cabinet was advised that the Council now faced a number of difficult decisions, in order to maintain a viable facility, available to the widest possible cross section of residents, which supported the Council’s aspirations as set out in its Leisure Strategy.


Cabinet noted the underutilisation and declining usage of the indoor bowls facility, which remained largely dormant for approximately a third of the year, as detailed in Table 1.1 of the report.  Councillor Brennan advised that despite the best efforts of Rushcliffe Indoor Bowls Club members, Lex Leisure and officers, membership had continued to decline.  It was noted that the Club had received significant administrative support on finance, governance and safeguarding matters, together with ongoing support through investment and marketing in an attempt to encourage and increase membership; however, that had failed to increase numbers.  Cabinet noted that Club membership had also declined from 377 members in 2009 to 169 in 2019/20.


Councillor Brennan confirmed that to support the return of a financially sustainable leisure offer it was critically important that gym membership was retained, as it formed the bulk of the operator’s income.  Cabinet was advised that maintaining a large, underutilised resource was no longer viable and a decision had to be made on the future of the indoor bowls facility, in order to support the Arena and the widest number of residents to adopt an active lifestyle. 


Councillor Brennan advised that a number of alternative options had been considered, as outlined in paragraph 5 of the report, and a balanced consideration had been taken between the need to maintain gym membership, financial viability, diversification of the underutilised space to enable a multi-use facility and the extent of the financial investment required to deliver this.  Details of the preferred option were highlighted in paragraph 5.1.3 of the report, which would include the change of use of the indoor bowls hall to enable group exercise and sporting and non-sporting events through a quick, simple conversion, which would support the leisure provider to recovery from its losses, encourage the return of existing users and attract new users.  The cost of the conversion was anticipated to be £60k and the financial implications were outlined in the report.


In conclusion, Councillor Brennan stated that in undertaking this review, the Council had been left in no doubt as to the strength of feeling of some members of the Club, and whilst for many there had been an acceptance of the situation, for others, the decision to close the bowls hall, if agreed this evening, would be extremely unwelcome, and that was recognised.  If the closure was approved this evening, the Council would continue to work with the Club to support members to transfer to other local clubs if they wished to do so.  Cabinet was advised that the Council would also continue to work with Lex Leisure to offer alternative activities at the Arena.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis reiterated the need to re-evaluate the use of all facilities, against demand, sustainability and changes in leisure and sporting traits.  Cabinet was reminded that the Council had strived to deliver its Leisure Strategy by providing excellent facilities, which could be seen at the Arena, and would be seen at the new leisure centre in Bingham. 


Councillor Inglis noted with sadness that despite several years of support from all parties to boost membership, the usage of the indoor bowls facility continued to fall and had diminished to such a level, that a vast space stood empty for several months of the year, and that was not acceptable and a review had been required.  It was noted that the local decline in indoor bowls participation was reflected nationally and concerns had been raised in 2014, and seven years later the Council was faced with a very underused facility, which was currently catering to the needs of a much greater and wider section of the community. 


Councillor Inglis stated that the report clearly set out the reasons for the proposed recommendations and confirmed that advice had been sought from Sports England and the English Indoor Bowls Association, which had recognised the availability of other nearby centres that were considered to be within a reasonable travelling distance for the members to continue participating and enjoying their sport.  Cabinet was advised that the proposals would provide an appealing facility for the wider community, which would deliver activities to a greater demographic of users, which would include Club members and although there was sympathy for members who would find the changes unwelcome, they would continue to be supported going forward.


Councillor Edyvean stated that he shared the disappointment of Club members; however, the evidence was clear, and it was noted that they had received considerable support from the Council.  It was acknowledged that there were a number of other facilities close by, including a very well supported club in Loughborough, which was the nearest town for many residents in Rushcliffe. Councillor Edyvean confirmed that going forward alternative activities would be made available at the Arena to that particular demographic.


The Leader advised that he had had the pleasure of sitting on the working group, which had designed the Arena, and a key focus of that group had been to ensure optimum usage and viability of the facility, and all aspects of the facility were reviewed to ensure that it continued to meet that criteria.  It was acknowledged that as a Council, difficult decisions had to be made, all its assets had to be analysed, and looking at the usage of the indoor bowls facility, it was a concern that it was not used for four months of the year.


On a more positive front, Cabinet noted that outdoor bowling was very popular throughout the Borough, with many indoor bowling club members using those outdoor facilities; however, that impacted on the usage at the Arena.  The Leader thanked officers for the support that they had given to the Club to try to improve its sustainability, as given that a Council strapline was ‘Great Sport’,  it was pleasing to note that all Council facilities were made available to everyone.  Cabinet was advised that the Council faced challenges as it came out of the pandemic to ensure that use of the Arena was maximised, and the growing demand for exercise classes for all ages had to be met, and the proposed option would meet those demands.


In conclusion, the Leader advised that officers would work with Lex Leisure to ensure that activities were available to mitigate the loss of the indoor bowling facility, and reiterated that although this was a very difficult decision to make, the Council would always have an emphasis on providing the best facilities it could for everyone in the Borough. 


It was RESOLVED that:


a)           the closure of the current indoor bowls facility be approved;


b)           a basic conversion of the hall to a multi-functional sports and event space at a cost of £60k be approved; and


c)           officers’ work in mitigating the loss of the facility in its current format be supported, by offering further support to remaining Bowls Club members including exploring the introduction of short mat bowls at the Arena.

Supporting documents: