Agenda item

COVID -19 Memorials

The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)         the creation a public memorial garden in Bridgford Park, West Bridgford as a shared place to commemorate people who have lost their lives in Rushcliffe due to the COVID-19 pandemic be approved;


b)         the creation of a temporary art installation / display at Rushcliffe Arena to recognise the contribution that keyworkers, community groups and volunteers from across the Borough have made to the local pandemic response be approved; and


c)         support for town and parish memorials and remembrance activities, led directly by town and parish councils be approved, incorporating:


i)        the creation of a COVID-19 commemorations grant scheme; and


ii)      the distribution of spring bulbs for memorial planting schemes in parishes.




The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Communities and Climate Change, Councillor Brennan presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods outlining a range of proposals for public COVID-19 memorial schemes in the Borough.


Councillor Brennan stated that the significant impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the entire population both directly and through secondary effects could not be underestimated.  Cabinet noted that measures introduced by the Government, including the vaccine roll-out were providing hope that life would begin to return to some form of normality going forward; however the impact of the virus could not be overstated and it was important to offer a way for people to commemorate the loss of loved ones, and to celebrate all those who had supported the pandemic response. 


Councillor Brennan advised that approval was sought for the provision of a lasting memorial to those in the Borough who have lost their lives, and to those who had continued to work tirelessly to respond to the aftermath of the pandemic, through the creation of a memorial garden in Bridgford Park.  It was noted that young people in particular had been impacted by the restrictions placed on their lives, and the invaluable work undertaken by key workers, volunteers and community groups could not be underestimated, and to thank all those people it was proposed to create a temporary art installation at the Rushcliffe Arena.


In conclusion, Councillor Brennan advised that the Council wished to support local communities throughout the Borough, to create their own local memorials and remembrance activities, through the creation of a Commemoration Grant Scheme and through the distribution of spring bulbs for memorial planting schemes in towns and parishes.    


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis referred to the establishment of the memorials, and the many reasons why they would be so poignant in the Borough, to allow everyone to reflect on the significant impact that the pandemic has had.  Councillor Inglis referred to the devastating loss of life, which had been exacerbated by the bereaved being unable to fully respect or celebrate a lost life, due to the restrictions on gatherings.  The proposed memorial garden in Bridgford Park, which would be fully accessible for everyone was welcomed, as was the creation of an art installation to thank keyworkers and voluntary groups for their hard work and dedication in providing support and bringing communities together. The creation of a scheme to support parish and town councils to create their own local memorials and planting schemes was also to be applauded.


Councillor Edyvean reiterated previous comments and stated that it was hoped that the public would welcome this, as it was important to commemorate those who had lost their lives and those who had contributed positively to help others.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)         the creation a public memorial garden in Bridgford Park, West Bridgford as a shared place to commemorate people who have lost their lives in Rushcliffe due to the COVID-19 pandemic be approved;


b)         the creation of a temporary art installation / display at Rushcliffe Arena to recognise the contribution that keyworkers, community groups and volunteers from across the Borough have made to the local pandemic response be approved; and


c)         support for town and parish memorials and remembrance activities, led directly by town and parish councils be approved, incorporating:


i)        the creation of a COVID-19 commemorations grant scheme; and


ii)      the distribution of spring bulbs for memorial planting schemes in parishes.

Supporting documents: