Agenda item

East Midlands Development Corporation

The report of the Chief Executive is attached.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough Wide Leadership, Councillor Robinson presented the report of the Chief Executive providing an update on the current position with regard to the East Midlands Development Corporation.


Councillor Robinson referred Council to the earlier paper on this matter discussed at the previous meeting. The current paper presented an update on the proposals and spending plan for the East Midlands Development Corporation, including a request for the first tranche of funding to support development. The update also provided information about how the Council would be represented on the Interim Vehicle and confirmed the appointment of the Leader as a shareholder and the Chief Executive to the non-executive board.


Councillor Edyvean seconded the recommendations and called the Development Corporation a very important step forward for prosperity in Rushcliffe.


Councillor Gray reminded Council that the East Midlands Development Corporation was vital for the economic health of the region and stated that he would be happy to support the recommendations. He went on to say that councils, businesses and universities were coming together to create jobs and attract new businesses to the region. Unfortunately, compared to other regions, the East Midlands had not fared well in terms of external investment and he considered that the Council must play its part in ensuring the region received its fair share of public funding to attract high quality businesses and graduates to the area.


Councillor Major highlighted that the Development Corporation had been discussed at length previously and thanked the Chief Executive for the update which demonstrated that momentum was being maintained in this exciting project. She expressed concern that the Council might lose sight of existing towns and villages within the Borough and that they would require the Council’s support, especially in terms of recovery following the pandemic.  


Councillor R Mallender expressed concerns about the newly announced Freeport and the potential development of nuclear fusion technology at the site but also recognised the joint aims of the Development Corporation to attract funding and new jobs to the region.


Councillor Thomas expressed her misgivings in regard to this project and asked the Chief Executive to ensure a number of review points were included in the project plans, to enable the Council to withdraw in the future if the initiative was no longer beneficial to the Borough.


Councillor R Walker reminded Council that local communities needed to be involved in the development of the area to ensure they were kept informed and engaged.


Councillor Edyvean responded to a number of questions raised by Councillors and Councillor Robinson addressed the misgivings expressed by some Councillors and highlighted the extensive scrutiny that development in this area was likely to be exposed to over the coming years including regular community forums, a member working group and the oversight of significant planning issues within this area of the Borough.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    the first year of funding for the Development Corporation (£167,000) be paid over in advance of Government financial contributions being confirmed, in order that the work of the Development Corporation can be progressed in a timely manner;


b)    the Chief Executive be nominated to be the Council’s Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Non-statutory Interim Vehicle, and the Leader be the Council’s Shareholder Representative on the Oversight Authority; and


c)    the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Council’s Constitution to incorporate the roles of the Non-Executive Director and the Council’s Shareholder Representative.


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