Agenda item

Flooding and Drainage

The report of the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods is attached.


The Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods presented his report which provided the Group with an update on the current picture of flooding events in the Borough. The report also outlined the organisations involved in flood assessment and drainage work, their roles and responsibilities and how they respond to flooding incidents and work with communities. A presentation was delivered by three of the key organisations involved: Nottinghamshire County Council, the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board and Rushcliffe Borough Council.

The Team Manager of Flood Risk Management at Nottinghamshire County Council explained that Nottinghamshire County Council was the lead local flood authority and that they were responsible for reducing flood risk across Nottinghamshire. A presentation was delivered to the Group which covered:


·       water courses

·       sewer flooding

·       responses to events

·       role in planning process

·       section 19 reports

·       mitigation and prevention

·       examples of responses across the Borough

·       making a difference in communities 

Following questions from the Group, the Team Manager of Flood Risk Management explained that water courses were examined depending on if there had been a recent flooding event. The Group were also pleased to note that Nottinghamshire County Council had received a £200,000 grant to investigate flood risk potential in West Bridgford.


It was also explained that Nottinghamshire County Council examined flood risk assessments in which developers provided evidence of where water would go if it overflowed. However, it was noted that there was difficulty in knowing whether the planning applications would be as the same delivered. The Group were asked to encourage residents to take photographs and video footage and to contact the Flood Risk Management Team if they had any concerns about flooding on new housing developments.


It was noted that once a flood occurred that the team would examine the immediate cause and inspect the surrounding area regularly. Councillors raised concerns that a lot of agencies were involved with the response to flooding and that residents would benefit from a roles and responsibilities document with contact details. It was explained that Nottinghamshire County Council’s main responsibility was to co-ordinate a response to flooding and to produce section 19 reports which detail follow up and future actions in order for flooding to be prevented in the future.


The Chairman thanked the Team Manager of Flood Risk Management for delivering the presentation to the Group and for answering their questions.


The Group next received a presentation from the Chairman of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board (TVIDB.) It was noted that the TVIDB operate within a defined area, which is known as a drainage district and that they were responsible for managing water levels in low-lying areas. Their responsibilities included districts and their functions include supervising land drainage and flood defence works on ordinary watercourses.


The Chairman of the TVIDB delivered a presentation to the Group which covered:

·       The Internal Drainage Board

·       Income and Expenditure

·       Maintenance

·       Water, Capital & Environmental Works

·       Water Level Management 

·       Flooding

·       Dealing with an Emergency

·       Public Sector Corporation Agreements

·       Examples of Work Undertaken in Rushcliffe

Following the presentation the Group asked questions about the TVIDB’s role in being consulted on planning applications. It was explained that the TVIDB was not a statutory consultee and that they could review and comment on applications but they had not had chance to provide advice on big developments in detail. However, the Chairman on TVIDB was pleased to note that a new member of staff had been appointed to ensure that all planning applications would be commented on in further detail. The Group were encouraged to speak to their representatives on the TVIDB in order to gain a further understanding of their role and to see the work that had been completed.

Additionally, the Group received an update from the Emergency Planning Officer at Rushcliffe Borough Council. It was explained that the Council’s role was to carry out flood risk management works on minor watercourses in their ownership and ensure that risks are managed effectively. Their role also included taking decisions on development in Rushcliffe and working with Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver emergency responses to those at risk of flooding.

The Emergency Planning Officer delivered a presentation to the Group which covered:

·       Role

·       Recent Flooding

·       Pre-Flooding work

·       Rushcliffe’s Role in Response

·       Partnership Working in Recovery

·       Role of Elected Members

Following the presentation, the Group were informed that the West Bridgford Local Area Forum could apply for funding for a community resilience flood store in line with Parish/Town Council’s who can apply on behalf of their residents. The Group were pleased to note that Nottinghamshire County Council will ensure that rest centres are covid secure in the event of evacuation. The Group were also informed that Nottinghamshire County Council were investigating developments which had caused flooding downhill but that ultimately, it was a civil matter between the developer and the residents to resolve. Councillors suggested that in order to prevent flooding more trees should be planted in order to create more flooded areas which could hold water. The Group also suggested that the Council should make comments about smaller developments within the villages of Rushcliffe.


It was RESOLVED that


a)    The report of the Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods be noted

b)    The responsibilities of those organisations involved in flood assessment and drainage work, and their roles in preparing and recovering from flood incidents be noted.

c)    The Group receive a role and responsibilities document with contact details for residents.


Supporting documents: