The report of the Executive Manager – Transformation is attached.
The Customer Services Manager and the ICT Manager delivered a presentation on Customer Services and Digital by Design, which accompanied the report already circulated with the agenda.
In the presentation, the Customer Services Manager and the ICT Manager provided details on the following issues:
· the history of the One Stop Shop from 2005 to the present day;
· the partners who work with Customer Services;
· the average time taken to answer an enquiry over the telephone;
· the numbers of people accessing the various contact points;
· the channel shift in how people access services from 2013 to 2020, and how that has changed during the Covid-19 lockdown;
· the key achievements for Customer Services from the Digital by Default Programme from 2014 to 2017;
· the Digital by Design Programme 2018;
· the key projects already delivered by Digital by Design; and
· the projects going forward in 2020/21.
The Chairman and members of the Group welcomed the move towards hybrid meetings and the increased flexibility it would allow everyone going forward. Reference was made to the importance of still having face-to-face contact; however, it was considered appropriate to embrace new methods of working. It was noted that those new ways of working had also been embraced by the Customer Services team, whilst ensuring that face-to-face contact via virtual technology was still possible for people who preferred that method.
In answer to a question regarding security and data protection and the processes in place to ensure the integrity of those engagements, the ICT Manager assured members of the Group that this issue was at the heart of the Digital by Design Strategy, in terms of security and privacy by design. The issue would be reviewed before any new initiative went live and that would continue going forward.
Councillor J Stockwood noted that many people had been seriously affected by Covid-19 and were unwilling or hesitant to interact with other people, and queried how Customer Services was reaching out to the vulnerable to reiterate that there were safe ways to do so.
The Customer Services Manager confirmed that throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Customer Services had continued to operate as normal, with telephone and email access and if any member of the public had wanted to see an officer, an alternative solution would have been found.
Councillor J Stockwood referred to the use of open data sets and asked if the Council would be following the approach of other councils in sharing data in a standard way to help drive the digital economy.
The ICT Manager advised that the Digital Strategy would not replace face-to-face contact; it would improve access by increasing options. In respect of open data, that was an aspect of being digital and the Council was open to that and looking for opportunities to collaborate with other local authorities.
Councillor Thomas commented on behalf of Councillor Way, who echoed the comments made by previous Councillors regarding the benefits of on-line meetings and welcomed the start-up of the service in East Leake.
In answer to a question regarding the percentage of enquiries being handled at first point of contact, the Customer Services Manager stated that those figures were reported and would be circulated.
In answer to a question regarding tourist information services, the Customer Services Manager advised the Group that Customer Services worked in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, which provided that service and the Council linked into that.
Councillor Cottee referred to the continued excellent service provided by Customer Services over the years. Whilst highlighting the advances in new technology, the importance of having face to face contact should not be forgotten, especially for those who could not use online facilities or those who chose not to use them. Those people should not be forgotten or disadvantaged in any way.
In answer to a question regarding hybrid meetings and webcasting, the ICT Manager confirmed that going forward the new system would provide that type of facility.
The Chairman noted the potential health and wellbeing issues of spending significant periods of time attending online meetings and using digital technology and queried how that could be regulated.
The ICT Manager suggested that going forward; it would be prudent to take adequate breaks during meetings.
It was RESOLVED that:
a) the presentation on Customer Services and Digital by Design be noted;
b) the current proposed activity for Customer Services and the Digital by Design programme be endorsed; and
c) the following additional information be provided to the Group in a Briefing Note:
· ways to increase face to face virtual technology, including advice and guidance on how hybrid meetings operate;
· potential data sharing opportunities; and
· details of the percentage of enquiries being handled at first point of contact by Customer Services.
Supporting documents: