Agenda item

Planning Applications


The Committee considered the written report of the Executive Manager - Communities relating to the following applications, which had been circulated previously.


As a ward Councillor for East Leake, Councillor Carys Thomas withdrew from the meeting and did not take part in the following discussion.


19/02780/FUL – Front porch; demolition of garage and erection of single storey side and rear extension; roof alterations including increase in height, front/rear box dormer window and roof-lights to front elevation to facilitate accommodation in the roof; external render and timber cladding – 14 Brookside Avenue, East Leake, Nottinghamshire.




A representation from the ward Councillor objecting to the application was received after the agenda was published and was circulated to the Committee before the meeting.


In accordance with the Council’s public speaking protocol Councillor Carys Thomas (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee.




The Committee considered whether obscured glazing could be provided to the bathroom window that opens on to the new flat roof extension by way of an additional condition.






1.          The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


[To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004].


2.          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:







          [For the avoidance of doubt having regard to policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies]


 3.      The materials specified in the application shall be used for the external walls and roof of the development hereby approved and no additional or alternative materials shall be used.


          [To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and to comply with policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies.]


 4.      The flat roof area of the single storey rear extension hereby approved shall at no time be accessed and used as a balcony/roof terrace.


          [To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory, to protect residential amenity and to comply with policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


 5.      Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) Order 2008 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) no additional windows, doors or openings of any kind shall be formed in the rear elevation(s) at upper floor levels of the approved development.


          [To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory, to protect residential amenity and to comply with policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2 : Land and Planning Policies].


6.       Before the extension hereby approved are brought into use, the window in the north elevation at first floor level serving the en-suite shall be fixed shut and fitted with glass which has been rendered permanently obscured to Group 5 level of privacy or equivalent. Thereafter the window shall be retained to this specification.


          [To ensure a satisfactory development in the interest of amenity and to comply with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


Notes to Applicant


Please be advised that all applications approved on or after the 7th October 2019 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The Borough Council considers that the approved development is not CIL chargable, as ****. Further information about CIL can be found on the Borough Council's website at


This permission does not give any legal right for any work on, over or under land or buildings outside the application site ownership or affecting neighbouring property, including buildings, walls, fences and vegetation within that property.  If any such work is anticipated, the consent of the adjoining land owner must first be obtained.  The responsibility for meeting any claims for damage to such features lies with the applicant.


This grant of planning permission does not alter the private legal situation with regard to the carrying out of any works involving land which you do not own or control. You will need the consent of the owner(s) involved before any such works are started.


The provisions of the Party Wall Act 1996 may apply in relation to the boundary with the neighbouring property. A Solicitor or Chartered Surveyor may be able to give advice as to whether the proposed work falls within the scope of this Act and the necessary measures to be taken.


You are advised to ensure disturbance to neighbours is kept to a minimum during construction by restricting working hours to Monday to Friday 7.00am to 7.00pm, Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm and by not working on Sundays or Bank Holidays. If you intend to work outside these hours you are requested to contact the Environmental Health Officer on 0115 9148322.


It is possible that the roof-space, and/or behind the soffit, fascia boards, etc. may be used by bats. You are reminded that bats, their roosts and access to roosts are protected and it is an offence under the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 to interfere with them. If evidence of bats is found, you should stop work and contact Natural England on 0300 060 3900 or by email at


19/00599/FUL – Construction of 3 new dwellings with associated parking and landscaping, and construction of new private access drive to Manor House – Manor House, 42 Fern Road, Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire.




In accordance with the Council’s public speaking protocol Nick Stanford (applicant’s agent), Jonathan Greenwood (Cropwell Bishop Parish Council – Objector) and Councillor Gordon Moore (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee.






1.              The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three  years beginning with the date of this permission.


[To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004].


2.          The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Site Location Plan, received 7 March 2019

Elevations Plot 1, drawing number 262/30A

Floor Layout Plot 1, drawing number 262/31A

Elevations Plot 2, drawing number 262/32

Layout Plans Plots 2 & 3, drawing number 262/33A

Elevations Plot 3, drawing number 262/35

Site Layout, drawing number 262/36D

Site Layout Landscape, drawing number 262/37B

Block Plan, drawing number 262/38B

Elevations, drawing number 262/39

Elevations, drawing number 262/40B

Garages, Beech House and The Chestnuts, drawing number 262/41


[For the avoidance of doubt and to comply with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies.]


3.       No development shall take place until a written scheme of archaeological investigation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme should include the following:


(i)               An assessment of significance and proposed mitigation strategy (i.e. preservation by record, preservation in situ or a mix of these elements).

(ii)             A methodology and timetable of site investigation and recording, including programme for a watching brief to be carried out during construction or excavation work on the site, by a professional archaeologist or archaeological organisation.

(iii)            Provision for site analysis.

(iv)           Provision for publication and dissemination of analysis and records provision for archive deposition.

(v)             Nomination of a competent person/organisation to undertake the work.


The archaeological site work shall be undertaken only in full accordance with the approved written scheme. The applicant will notify the planning authority of the intention to commence at least fourteen days before the start of archaeological work in order to facilitate adequate monitoring arrangements. No variation shall take place without prior consent of the Local Planning Authority.


A copy of a final report of the archaeological site work carried out shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval within three months of the work (or according to an agreed programme). The material and paper archive required as part of the written scheme of investigation shall be deposited with an appropriate archive.


[To record and advance understanding of the significance of any heritage assets to be lost (wholly or in part) in a manner proportionate to their importance and the impact and to make this evidence (and any archive generated) publicly accessible and to comply with NPPF 16: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment), Policy 11 (Historic Environment) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and Policies 28 (Historic Environment: Conserving and Enhancing Heritage Assets) and 29 (Development Affecting Archaeological Sites) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies.  This condition needs to be discharged to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to safeguard against damage to or loss of heritage assets during the construction phase].


4.       Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved (including all preparatory work) a scheme, including a tree protection plan, for the protection of the retained trees on the site in accordance with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include the specification of a 'No-Dig' construction technique that will be employed within the Root Protection Areas of all retained trees.


The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the protection shall be retained for the duration of the construction period. No materials, machinery or vehicles are to be stored or temporary buildings erected within the perimeter of any approved tree protection fencing, nor is any excavation work to be undertaken within the confines of the fencing.


[To ensure existing trees are adequately protected during the development, in the interests of visual amenity and to comply with Policies 1 (Development Requirements) and 37 (Trees and Woodlands) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies.  This condition needs to be discharged before work commences on site to ensure that appropriate protection is provided and retained during the construction of the dwellings].


5.       In the event that any evidence of unexpected land contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development, it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must then be undertaken and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared and submitted for the approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the remediation scheme shall be implemented in full prior to the occupation of any dwellings.


[To make sure that the site, when developed, is free from contamination, in the interests of public health and safety and to comply with Policy 40 (Pollution and Land Contamination) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


6.       No construction of the external walls of the development shall commence or roof covering added until specific details of the facing and roofing materials to be used on all external elevations is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be undertaken in accordance with the materials so approved.


[To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and to comply with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and Policies 1 (Development Requirements) and 28 (Conserving and Enhancing Heritage Assets) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


7.       Prior to occupation of the dwellings hereby approved a detailed landscaping scheme for the site, including details of the replacement tree planting, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be carried out in the first tree planting season following the substantial completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species.


[In order to preserve the visual amenity of the area and enhance the biodiversity of the site, in accordance with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Local Plan Part 1 : Core Strategy and Policies 1 (Development Requirements), 11 (Housing Development on Unallocated Sites within Settlements) and 38 (Non-Designated Biodiversity Assets and the Wider Ecological Network) of the of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


8.       The existing hedgerow along the western boundary of the application site shall be retained and maintained for the lifetime of the development. In the event any part of the hedgerow is removed or becomes severely damaged or diseased details of the size and species of replacement hedgerow plants should be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and planted within the first available planting season following the loss of the hedgerow.  


[To ensure that the hedgerow on the site is protected for the lifetime of the development, in order to preserve the visual amenity of the area and enhance the biodiversity of the site, in accordance with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Local Plan Part 1 : Core Strategy and Policies 1 (Development Requirements) and 38 (Non-Designated Biodiversity Assets and the Wider Ecological Network) of the of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2 : Land and Planning Policies].


9.       The development hereby approved shall be carried out in full accordance with the mitigation measures described in section 6 of the Ecological Appraisal Report of Manor Gardens, Fern Road, Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire by JJH Consulting Limited, dated May 2019.


[To avoid harm to wildlife including protected species and nesting birds, in accordance with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) and Policy 38 (Non-Designated Biodiversity Assets and the Wider Ecological Network) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


10.     Prior to occupation of the dwellings hereby approved details for the provision of bird and bat boxes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. A minimum of 2 artificial bird nests and one bat box shall be erected on the site prior to occupation of the dwellings and retained for the lifetime of the development.


[To achieve a net gain in biodiversity, in accordance with Policy 17 (Biodiversity) of the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and Policy 38 (Non-Designated Biodiversity Assets and the Wider Ecological Network) of the of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


11.     Occupation of the proposed dwellings shall not take place until the access and parking areas for the new dwellings have been provided in accordance with the approved Block Plan, drawing number 262/38B and Site Layout Plan, drawing number 262/36D. The access shall be surfaced in a bound material (not loose gravel) for a minimum distance of 5.0 metres behind the highway boundary and drained to prevent the discharge of surface water from the driveway to the public highway. The bound material and the provision to prevent the discharge of surface water to the public highway shall be retained for the life of the development.


[In the interests of highway safety and to prevent deleterious material / surface water from being discharged onto the public highway, in accordance with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


12.     Occupation of the proposed dwellings shall not take place until the access driveway is fronted by a dropped kerb vehicular crossing, with any redundant sections fronting the site being reinstated back to footway.


[To ensure that drivers can cross the footway in a safe and controlled manner and to comply with Policy 1 of the (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


13.     Occupation of the proposed dwellings shall not take place until the access has been provided with visibility splays of 2.4m x 43m, in accordance with the approved Block Plan, drawing number 262/38B.  The visibility splays shall thereafter be retained for the life of the development.


[To ensure that drivers have an appropriate level of visibility when exiting the site, in the general interest of highway safety and to comply with Policy 1 of the (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


14.     The new access to serve the Manor House shall not be brought into use until visibility splays indicated on the approved Block Plan, drawing number 262/38B have been provided. The visibility splays shall thereafter be retained for the life of the development. The new access shall be surfaced in a bound material (not loose gravel) for a minimum distance of 5.0 metres behind the highway boundary and drained to prevent the discharge of surface water from the driveway to the public highway. The bound material and the provision to prevent the discharge of surface water to the public highway shall be retained for the life of the development.


[In the interests of highway safety and to prevent deleterious material / surface water from being discharged onto the public highway, in accordance with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


15.     Any gates to be erected at the access points to serve either the new dwellings or the existing Manor House shall open inward only and be set-back no less than 5.0 metres from the highway boundary.


[To ensure that drivers can station their vehicles clear of the public highway whilst the gates are opened/closed, to comply with Policy 1 of the (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


16.     An Electric Vehicle Charging Point shall be provided for each new dwelling hereby approved and installed prior to occupation and retained in that form thereafter for the lifetime of the development.


[To promote sustainable travel, aid in the reduction of air pollution levels and help mitigate climate change, in accordance with Policy 2 (Climate Change) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy].


17.     The dwellings hereby approved shall be designed and constructed to meet the higher Optional Technical Housing Standard for water consumption of no more than 110 litres per person per day.


          [To promote a reduction in water consumption and to comply with criteria 3 of Policy 12 (Housing Standards) of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


Notes to Applicant


Please be advised that all applications approved on or after the 7th October 2019 may be subject to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The Borough Council considers that the approved development is CIL chargeable. Full details of the amount payable, the process and timescales for payment, and any potential exemptions/relief that may be applicable will be set out in a Liability Notice to be issued following this decision. Further information about CIL can be found on the Borough Council's website at


Condition 17 requires the new dwellings to meet the higher 'Optional Technical Housing Standard' for water consumption of no more than 110 litres per person per day. The developer must inform their chosen Building Control Body of this requirement as a condition of their planning permission.  Guidance of this process and the associated requirements can be found in Approved Document G under requirement G2, with the requirements laid out under regulations 36 and 37 of the Building regulations 2010.


You are advised to ensure disturbance to neighbours is kept to a minimum during construction by restricting working hours to Monday to Friday 7.00am to 7.00pm, Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm and by not working on Sundays or Bank Holidays. If you intend to work outside these hours you are requested to contact the Environmental Health Officer on 0115 9148322.


As a Bingham Town Councillor, Councillor Maureen Stockwood withrew from the meeting and did not take part in the following discussion.


19/01758/FUL and 19/01727/FUL – (i) Extension and alteration of existing pavilion to create additional indoor community facilities including additional indoor leisure space and improved changing facilities. Extension to car park to provide additional car parking spaces and coach parking facility and bin store. (ii) Erection of 4 columns of LED floodlights – Bingham Rugby Union Football Town Pavilion, Brendon Grove, Bingham, Nottinghamshire.




A representation was received from the planning agent in response to surface water flooding was received after the agenda had been published and was circulated to the committee before the meeting.


In accordance with the Council’s public speaking protocol, Ben Parker (objector) addressed the Committee.




The committee requested some minor changes to the opening/closing times and asked whether additional signage could be provided to advise patrons that the premises are located in a residential area, and to minimise disturbance when leaving the premises.








Time limit:


1.       The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


[To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004].


Pre commencement conditions:


2.       Prior to the commencement of any on site works, a method statement detailing techniques for the control of noise, dust and vibration during demolition and construction shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved method statement.


          [To protect the amenity of the occupiers of the residential properties within the site and to comply with policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies. This is a pre commencement condition to ensure any necessary mitigation measures are in place prior to work commencing].


3.               Prior to the commencement of development a surface water management plan to deal with surface water run off from the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.


[To ensure a satisfactory development and in the interests of flood risk to    comply with policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies. This is a pre commencement condition to ensure that flood risk mitigation is designed into the scheme].


 4.      Prior to the commencement of the development a full specification for the design of the building shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority. This specification shall include information to demonstrate that the building will be brick and block design, with an insulated roof (details of the structure and insulation shall be submitted), and details of glazing specification.  The development shall thereafter be constructed in accordance with the approved details.  Before the use is commenced a post completion noise assessment will be undertaken to demonstrate that the specification agreed has resulted in the predicted noise levels within the Acoustic Associates noise assessment ref JG/J3461/1746 dated December 2019 have been achieved.


          [To protect the amenity of the occupiers of the residential properties within the site and to comply with policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies. This is a pre commencement condition to ensure that the structure of the building is appropriate to its proposed use and the construction achieves the noise attenuation properties to mitigate any potential impact on nearby residential occupiers].


5.       Prior to any works commencing on site a specification shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council for the proposed tree protection fencing shown to be erected on the approved tree protection plan ref B85.19 Fig 1 9 dated 29/11/2019 which shall also include details of tree protection measures to protect trees on the adjoining land to the west of the site. The approved scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to commencement of work (including site clearance on site) and retained in this manner whilst building operations are taking place.


          [To ensure existing trees are adequately protected during the development and to comply with policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies.  A pre-commencement condition is required in order to protect the retained trees from damage during construction].


6.               Prior to the commencement of works on the car parking area details of the means of surfacing, drainage, levels and any lighting to the car park shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.


[To ensure a satisfactory development and in the interests of flood risk to      comply with policy 17 (Managing Flood Risk) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies. This is a pre commencement condition to ensure that flood risk mitigation is designed into the scheme].


Pre occupation conditions


7.       Prior to the development hereby approved being brought into use a detailed landscaping scheme for the site (which shall allow for replacement and additional tree planting) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council. The approved scheme shall be carried out in the first tree planting season following the substantial completion of the development. Any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Borough Council gives written consent to any variation.


          [In the interests of amenity and to comply with policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


8.       Prior to the commencement of the use of the community hall element of the scheme, a noise management plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council. This plan shall include details relating to a sound limiting device to ensure DJ controls are in place to limit noise impact, together with details of signs to be displayed on the premises (including number, content and location) to remind patrons/visitors that the premises are located within a residential area and to minimise disturbance when leaving the premises, particularly late at night. The agreed mitigation shall be in place prior to uses commencing and shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


          [To protect the amenity of the occupiers of the residential properties within the site and to comply with policy 1 (Development requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


9.       Prior to the commencement of the use of the community hall details of cycle stands for the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council.  These cycle stands shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the use of the community hall commencing.


          [To encourage sustainable travel in accordance with the aims of Policy 14 (Managing Travel Demand) of Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy].


10.     Prior to the commencement of use of the community hall element of the scheme the proposed electric charging points as shown on the approved site layout plan shall be installed and become operational whilst the buildings and site are open to the public.


          [In order to address the causes and impacts of climate change and in accordance with Policy 2 (Climate Change) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy].


11.     Prior to the building first being brought into use the ecological mitigation and enhancements works identified in the submitted Ecological Assessment (Landscape Science Consultancy) shall be completed in accordance with a scheme to be submitted and approved by the Borough Council.


[To ensure the incorporation of features that benefit biodiversity, and to comply with 38 (Non designated biodiversity assets and the wider ecological network) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies]


12.     The proposed community hall shall not be brought into use until the car park extension as shown on drawing number Site Plan 4723/HA/18/004 Rev P3 has been constructed in accordance with details of means of surfacing and drainage, and levels and lighting which shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority. The parking spaces shall thereafter remain available for the parking of vehicles.


          [In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policy 14 (Managing travel demand) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1 - Core Strategy].


Other conditions


13.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


·                 Bin Store details drawing ref 4723/HA/18/008P1 (P1)

·                 Tree Protection Plan (Landscape Science Consultancy Ltd) B85.19.Fig 1

·                 Site Plan 4723/HA/18/004 Rev P3

·                 Proposed Ground and roof plan 4723/BRC/19/006 Rev P3

·                 Proposed elevations 4723-007P1


          [For the avoidance of any doubt and in the interests of amenity, and to comply with policy 10 (Design and enhancing local identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


14.     The use of the building shall be restricted to the hours of 09.00 - 22.00 hours Monday to Thursday, 09.00 to 23.00 hours Friday, 10.00 - 23.00 hours Saturday and 0900 - 14.00 hours on Sunday or Bank holiday.


          [To protect the amenity of the occupiers of the residential properties within the site and to comply with policy 1 (Development requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


15.     When live or amplified music is being played in the building all external doors and windows shall remain closed and shall only be opened in an emergency or for access and egress.


          [To protect the amenity of the occupiers of the residential properties within the site and to comply with policy 1 (Development requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


16.     The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the Precautionary Method Statement relating to Nesting Birds as set out in Appendix 2 of the Ecological Assessment (Landscape Science Consultancy).


          [To ensure the incorporation of features that benefit biodiversity, and to comply with Policy 38 (Non designated biodiversity assets and the wider ecological network) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies]


17.     The development hereby approved relates to extension and alteration of the existing building and not to a replacement facility.


          [For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure a satisfactory development in accordance with the aims of policy 1 (Development requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies]


18.     Prior to the extensions proceeding above damp proof course level or alterations being carried out to the external fabric of the existing building, details of the external materials/finishes and roofing materials, including colour, shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Council.  The development shall only be undertaken in accordance with the materials so approved.


[To ensure the appearance of the development is satisfactory and to comply with Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy and Policies 1 (Development Requirements) and 28 (Conserving and Enhancing Heritage Assets) of the Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


Notes to Applicant


You are reminded that the approved Tree Report suggests the need for the use of grasscrete or a reduced dig construction for the coach parking area of the car park and the submission of details required under condition 6 and 12 should reflect this.


You are advised that in relation to the condition 7 consideration will need to be given to the species proposed. Trees within or close to area of parking need to be suitable for their location and it is considered that there appears to be space for replacement planting to the north of the car park. Tree planting outside of the car park should be native where possible.


You are advised to ensure disturbance to neighbours is kept to a minimum during construction by restricting working hours to Monday to Friday 7.00am to 7.00pm, Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm and by not working on Sundays or Bank Holidays. If you intend to work outside these hours you are requested to contact the Environmental Health Officer on 0115 9148322.


Your attention is drawn to the following information:


The use of external lighting (during construction and post construction) should be appropriate to avoid adverse impacts on bat populations, see for advice and a wildlife

sensitive lighting scheme should be developed and implemented.



Good practice construction methods should be adopted including:

-         Advising all workers of the potential for protected species. If protected species are found during works, work should cease until a suitable qualified ecologist has been consulted.

-         No works or storage of materials or vehicle movements should be carried out on or adjacent to sensitive habitats.

-         All work impacting on vegetation or buildings used by nesting birds should avoid the active bird nesting season, if this is not possible a search of the impacted areas should be carried out by a suitably competent person for nests immediately prior to the commencement of works. If any nests are found work should not commence until a suitably qualified ecologist has been consulted.

-         Best practice should be followed during building work to ensure trenches dug during works activities that are left open overnight should be left with a sloping end or ramp to allow animal that may fall in to escape. Also, any pipes over 200mm in diameter should be capped off at night to prevent animals entering. Materials such as netting and cutting tools should not be left in the works area where they might entangle or injure animals. No stockpiles of vegetation should be left overnight and if they are left then they should be dismantled by hand prior to removal.

-                  Night working should be avoided.

-         Root protection zones should be established around retained trees / hedgerows so that storage of materials and vehicles, the movement of vehicles and works are not carried out within these zones.

-         Pollution prevention measures should be adopted.

-         Consideration should be given to energy efficiency, alternative energy generation, green travel (including cycle storage and electric vehicle charging), water efficiency, management of waste during and post construction and the use of recycled materials and sustainable building methods.




1.       The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


[To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004].


2.               The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the following approved plans and details:


·                 location plan 4723-005-A- proposed

·                 clearvision technical specification dated 8/4/19

·                 additional lighting Assessment information and specificaton by Clearvision update 5/11/2019


          [For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure an acceptable development on the site in the interests of residential amenity and ecology and to accord with Policy 1 of Rushcliffe Borough Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


 3.      Within one month of the development hereby approved being first brought into use the existing floodlights on the site serving the training area shall be removed from the site.


          [To avoid a proliferation of lighting on the site in the interests of residential amenity and ecology and to accord with Policy 1 of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


 4.      The floodlights hereby approved shall only be switched on between the hours of 5pm and 9.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and on evenings when matches are taking place.


          [In the interests of residential amenity and ecology and to accord with Policy 1 of Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


As ward Councillors for Cotgrave, Councillor Richard Butler and Councillor Leo Healey withdrew from the meeting and did not take part in the following discussion. The Vice-Chairman took the Chair.


17/02345/VAR – Vary condition 4 of planning permission 11/01789/FUL to allow one garage to be used as a storage until in connection with Manor House Kilgraney Farm – Manor House, Kilgraney Farm, Owthorpe Road, Cotgrave, Nottinghamshire.




There were no updates for this item.






1.              The two garage spaces and open parking space as denoted 1, 2 and 3          on drawing JD/100/02/C dated 22 February 2018 shall be retained available for parking at all times for the lifetime of the development.


[To ensure that adequate car parking facilities are provided in connection with the development and to comply with policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


2.          Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 1 Classes A - D of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification) there shall be no enlargement or alteration of the proposed dwelling(s), and no alteration to or insertion of windows or rooflights other than those shown on the approved plans without the prior written approval of the Borough Council.


[The development is of a nature whereby future development of this type should be closely controlled and to comply with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) and Policy 21 (Green Belt) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


3.          No alterations shall be made to the external appearance of the garage block without the prior written approval of the Borough Council.


[The development is of a nature whereby future development of this type should be closely controlled and to comply with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) and Policy 21 (Green Belt) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].


4.          Prior to the installation of security lighting/floodlighting details of any such lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Borough Council, together with a lux plot of the estimated illuminance.  The lighting shall be installed only in accordance with the approved details.


[To protect the amenities of the area and to comply with Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies].