Agenda item

Risk Management Update

The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services presented a report that updated the Group on the Council’s Risk Management progress made since its last meeting on 23 July 2019. It provided a summary of risks in the Council’s Risk Register that had changed and work related to the Council’s Emergency Planning and business continuity functions, including a BREXIT update.


There are currently 33 corporate risks and 26 operational risks on the register. The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised the Group that risks within the register will fluctuate throughout the year as active risk management is undertaken. Changing pressures and the proactive work of managers to identify risks as they emerge will continue to influence new risks added to the register.


The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised the Group of risks added and amended as follows:


Risks added:


·         CRR_FCS22 Uncertainty around Government funding and changes to business rates system with a one year financial settlement.


This risk has been added due to uncertainty about funding changes and future financial settlements.


Risks Amended:


·         CRR_CO02 Failure of public sector partnerships/withdrawal of financial support.


Likelihood increased from 2 to 3 as a result of potential loss of funding resulting from restructuring in the local health sector.


·         OR_CO04 Cost of defending appeals for large scale residential developments and potential award costs.


Likelihood reduced from 3 to 2 due to progress being made with Local Plan Part 2, approval of emerging Part 2 sites and reduced risk from predatory applications.


·         OR_TR14 Partners closure of buildings where the Council has contact points, including RCCC.


The risk has occurred due to the forthcoming relocation of West Bridgford Police Station. Likelihood has increased from 3 to 4 (as relocation is certain). The impact has decreased from 3 to 1 as advanced negotiations are underway for an alternative location.


·         CRR_FCS07 Central Government Policy changes


Risk description amended to include Resource and Waste Strategy


·         Business Continuity and Emergency Planning risks moved from Transformation to Neighbourhoods as the responsibility now resides with the Executive Manager for Neighbourhoods.


In respect of BREXIT and the risk of a ‘No Deal’ the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised the Group that the Executive Management Team hold weekly BREXIT meetings to discuss planning arrangements and review the Councils BREXIT action plan. He continued to advise that the Chief Executive of Nottinghamshire County Council is the regional lead and BREXIT was discussed at the local authority Chief Executive meeting on 6 September 2019.


In respect of Emergency Planning the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services advised the Group that the corporate business continuity plan is being reviewed as part of its 3 year cycle. The plan details the co-ordination arrangements for the authority should there be a business interruption that affects the Council’s critical services. In addition the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services provided the Group with information on training for Housing staff in respect of emergency accommodation and Executive Management training and sessions for senior staff who would be involved in the command and co-ordination of a major incident.


The Group questioned whether the need for additional information be provided on who is responsible for the mitigation of risk and the quantification of risk and the financial value of impact to the Council. The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services explained that risks were examined in more detail by the internal auditors and are then reported to Governance Scrutiny as a tabled summary. He offered to look at the table format, and in particular and adding an additional column where there have been changes to provide a more detailed explanation for the red rated risks.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    The Group noted the Risk Management Progress Report


b)    The Group endorse the actions taken to review the risk management arrangements.


c)    The Group endorse the work of the Emergency Planning Officer and the Local Resilience Forum





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