The report of the Executive Manager – Communities is attached.
The Community Development Manager presented the report of the Executive Manager – Communities which provided the Group with an overview of the current service level agreement with the Trent Bridge Community Trust who currently deliver both the Positive Futures and YouNG projects on behalf of the Council both of which were due to expire on the 31 December 2020. The report provided an overview of a business case proposal provided by Trent Bridge Community Trust for the period 2021 to 2025, and options for future commissioning of those services.
It was explained that the Positive Futures programme provided mentoring support in schools and community settings, which targeted individuals to address their attendance, behaviour and attainment levels to raise their aspirations. It was also noted that the YouNG Project delivered work experience placements and entrepreneurial markets for young people within the Borough.
The Group were asked to consider the options from one of the following commissioning proposals;
a) Commission Trent Bridge Community Trust to combine the current Positive Futures and YouNG Service Level Agreements at existing levels of £192,000 per annum for the period 2021-2025.
b) Commission Trent Bridge Community Trust to combine the current Positive Futures and YouNG Service Level Agreement at a reduced level of £150,000 per annum (22% reduction).
c) De-commission delivery of one or both of the Positive Futures and YouNG projects at the end of the current Service Level Agreement period.
It was noted that any future commitment to a new Service Level Agreement would result in an annual revenue increase of £110,000 (option a) or £68,000 (option b) for the duration of the agreement.
The Group were very supportive of the Positive Futures programme, and believed that it had a better outcome for individuals in comparison to the YouNG project. It was noted that the Council could work with the Trent Bridge Community Trust to see what efficiencies could be made if the two services were combined although further negotiations would be required. The Executive Manager – Neighbourhoods stated that the Service Level Agreement should be considered in the wider context of the medium term financial strategy and would need to be discussed as part of the budget process. The Executive Manager asked the Group to consider if the community outcomes of the programmes delivered by the Trent Bridge Community Trust could be delivered with a 22% funding reduction. It was discussed that reducing funding for the projects would increase the task of the TBCT being able to engage with those not in employment, education or training and would water down the outcomes of both projects.
It was suggested that perhaps the Council could fund the Positive Futures programme at existing levels and send out a tender for the commission of a new programme for young people to enhance their talents and abilities to replace the YouNG project. It was also discussed that a programme to target sport and a healthy lifestyle could be more beneficial to young people than work experience placements and entrepreneurship opportunities. However, the majority of the Group agreed that there was not enough entrepreneurship opportunities in the Borough and so the Council should commit to support the YouNG Project.
It was RESOLVED that the Communities Scrutiny Group recommend toCabinet that Trent Bridge Community Trust should be commissioned to combine the current Positive Futures and YouNG Service Level Agreements at existing levels of £192,000 per annum for the period 2021 – 2025
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