Agenda item

Risk Management Progress Report

The report of the Executive Manager – Transformation is attached.  


The Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services presented the Risk Management Progress Report and provided an update and summary of risks in the Council’s Risk Registers that had changed.


There were currently 32 corporate risks and 26 operational risks and members were advised that the number of risks within the register could fluctuate throughout the year as active risk management is undertaken.

The Executive Manager provided examples of risks that had changed following the review process.


Risks removed:


CRR_TR15 Significant reduction in staff morale – the latest staff survey shows high satisfaction levels


CRR_TR20 Failure to successfully complete the Rushcliffe Arena snagging list – the ‘snagging period’ has now ended


CRR_TR23 Grenfell Tower post incident risk to commercial buildings in

Rushcliffe – no evidence of material associated with the Grenfell Tower fire has been found in the borough


OR_NS30 Reduced levels of performance and leisure provision at East

Leake Leisure Centre – good performance from Mitie and robust contract management systems in place


OR_TR16 Failure to secure vacant possession of Cotgrave precinct and associated risks to town centre regeneration – this risk can be deleted from the register as possession is now secured


OR_TR23 Challenge to ensure sufficient car parking spaces at Rushcliffe

Arena – car parking works complete.


Risks amended:


CRR_CO04 Inability to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites against the housing target leading to further development on unallocated sites – Homes England are providing funding to support the delivery of new homes therefore the likelihood has been reduced from 4 to 2


CRR_FCS07 Central Government policy changes including the Resource and Waste Strategy – likelihood has increased from 2 to 3 due to the anticipated impact of the Fairer Funding Review and Business Rates changes, and risk title updated to include the Resource and Waste



CRR_TR17 Inability to draw down Growth Deal 2 funding within specified timescales – likelihood has increased from 2 to 4 due to delays with S106 at Clifton



OR_ TR14 Partners’ closure of buildings where RBC has contact points, including RCCC – likelihood increased from 2 to 3 following receipt of notice to vacate RCCC in 2020.


The Executive Manager also explained to the Group the role of the risk matrix and how its impact on how risks are scored which were attached to the appendix of the report. The Executive Manager was note that the reminded Councillor’s that internal auditors were pleased with the reviewed the Council’s risk management strategy every 2 years.


Following the presentation of the report, Councillors asked a specific questions about the possibility of quantifying the impacts of risks where there had been changes to a risk rating. The Group also asked questions about how the risks are developed over time. The Executive Manager explained that risks are developed over time and are monitored by the Executive Management Team. It was also noted that some risks that are added to the register could be down to external factors and events that occur outside of the Council’s control.


It was RESOLVED that:


a)    The report of the Executive Manager – Finance and Corporate Services be noted

b)    The actions taken to review the risk management arrangements be considered

c)    The work of the emergency planning officer and the work of the local resilience forum be considered and endorsed.

Supporting documents: