Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford

Contact: Helen Tambini  0115 9148320


No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There are no declarations of interest made.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 202 KB

To receive as a correct record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Thursday, 7 March 2024.


The Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 7 March 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Address of the retiring Mayor


Councillor Mason, Mayor of Rushcliffe for 2023/24, thanked Council for entrusting her with the position of Mayor and informed them that she had thoroughly enjoyed her year in office. She reported that she had been incredibly busy and had particularly enjoyed events which had involved children and young people; specifically mentioning Lark in the Park, the Youth Summit and the silent fireworks display last November. Councillor Mason stated that she had enjoyed meeting a range of community volunteers at the Civic Dinner and speaking with former councillor Mike Cox about the formation of the Council, as part of its celebrations.


The Mayor specifically thanked members of the opposition groups for supporting her civic and fund raising events this year, and Councillor Regan for his assistance with her fund-raising Chinese meal. Councillor Mason thanked her husband Terry, who had accompanied her to many events, her Cadet for his support; her driver, Adam Mote, and her chaplain, Reverand Cannon Bronwen Gamble for her support and friendship.


Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor


The Leader, Councillor Clarke proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor, Councillor Mason, and noted that she had been an extremely good ambassador for the Borough, attending a huge number of events, sometimes more than one in a single day. Events had ranged from those involving children to war veterans, community volunteers and, of course, those supported by her chosen charity, Riding for the Disabled. The Leader informed Council that he had enjoyed looking through the photo album that had been pulled together to encapsulate Councillor Mason’s year as Mayor and commented on the wide range of people she had spent time with, and her recent conversation with King Charles at the Royal Garden Party. The Leader concluded by thanking Councillor Mason for her tireless service and calming presence during her year as Mayor and presented her with her photograph album, Mayor’s portrait, past Mayor’s badge and flowers.


Councillor J Walker congratulated the Mayor on a very successful year including the funds she had raised for Riding for the Disabled and for bringing a uniquely warm touch to the role. Councillor Walker also thanked the Mayor for chairing Council meetings fairly and impartially.


Councillors Bird, Thomas and Birch also thanked the Mayor for her even-handedness in Council meetings and the positivity and good humour that she brought to the role.


Councillor S Mallender thanked the Mayor specifically mentioning the wonderful singers from Plumtree School at Christmas time and her presentation of the Pride of Rushcliffe Award to Nicola Brindley at the Community Awards last November.


Election of Mayor 2024/25

To consider nominations for the appointment of Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the 2024/25 Civic Year.


After the vote on the election of Mayor has been carried, the new Mayor, upon making the declaration of acceptance of office, will take the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.


It was proposed by Councillor R Walker that Councillor Brown be elected as Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2024/25.


Councillor Walker stated that he was delighted to be asked to nominate Councillor Brown again after his nomination for the position of Deputy Mayor last year had earnt him several rebukes due to the inclusion of aviation puns. Councillor Walker stated that this year he was choosing instead to focus on Councillor Brown’s love of Rugby Union because if you had heard one Rugby Union pun you had heard ‘em-maul!  Councillor Walker listed the core values of Rugby Union to be teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship; all values that he saw in Councillor Brown and all directly relevant to serving as Mayor.  As good ‘ruck’ would have it, Councillor Walker personally testified that Councillor Brown was an excellent teammate citing their working relationship across the Gotham ward and his personal support during recent challenging times. Councillor Brown was also respectful and accustomed to avoiding needless ‘scrums’, genuinely listening to concerns, empathising with circumstances, and ‘tackling’ problems with steely determination.


Councillor Walker stated that Councillor Brown was enjoying the second half of his political career and was relishing serving the community that he loved. He informed Council that watching all those rugby matches had instilled in Councillor Brown the ability to control his emotions, which made him well prepared for chairing Council meetings firmly yet fairly, and referred to the value of sportsmanship which underpinned all that. Councillor Brown understood the privilege of office and the corresponding duty involved in being the First Citizen of the Borough; and Councillor Walker felt that he would make a fine ambassador for the Council, the Borough and its communities.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Barney focused on Councillor Brown’s professional background as an engineer, a role which had enabled him to travel extensively. He also mentioned Councillor Brown’s more recent role as a driving instructor, his passion for music and all things aviation related. Councillor Barney informed Council of Councillor Brown’s work on a local radio station, his position on the Airport Consultative Committee, his extensive charity work, and his love of the local community. He described Councillor Brown as a man of great conviction, determination, and compassion. In conclusion, Councillor Barney urged Council to support the nomination of Councillor Brown to the position of Mayor where he felt sure he would serve with humility, be impartial in his decisions and act in kindness.


It was RESOLVED that Councillor Brown be elected as Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2024/25.


Councillor Brown then read and signed the declaration of acceptance of office and after thanking his proposer, seconder, and fellow Councillors, took the Chair and was invested with the Chain of Office.


The Mayor welcomed past mayors and invited guests to the meeting before paying tribute to the hard work of his predecessor, Councillor Mason. He claimed that she would be a hard  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Election of Deputy Mayor 2024/25

To consider nominations for the appointment of Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the 2024/25 Civic Year.


It was proposed by Councillor Butler, that Councillor Cottee be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2024/25.


Councillor Butler first congratulated the Mayor on his appointment and pledged his support for his chosen charity. He informed Council that he was very pleased to nominate Councillor Cottee, who had always lived in Nottinghamshire, first moving to the Borough aged nine. He played a range of sports through school including cricket, rugby and cross country but football still remained his passion. Councillor Cottee started his working life in a local textiles mill before setting up a textiles business with his family. He was active in his local community, playing football, working evenings behind the bar and DJ-ing at the youth club before joining the parish council and then progressing onto the Borough and County Councils. John was married to Lorraine, who was a teacher, and has two grown daughters and two granddaughters.


Councillor Inglis added his congratulations to Councillor Brown in his new role as Mayor and recognised the hard work of Councillor Mason in the role over the past year. In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Inglis stated that Councillor Cottee was in his view a Chippendale, not the shirtless kind, but rather a classic piece of old and valuable furniture. Councillor Cottee had been both a Borough and a County Councillor for a very long time and was responsible for encouraging many others into the role. Councillor Inglis felt that Councillor Cottee would be an excellent ambassador for the Borough, citing the passion and commitment he had shown over the years to the Council, his community and Keyworth United Community Football Club.


It was RESOLVED that Councillor Cottee be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Rushcliffe for the civic year 2024/25.


Councillor Cottee congratulated the Mayor on his appointment, thanked Councillors for entrusting him with the position of Deputy Mayor, and was then invested with the Chain of Office by the Mayor.


Leader's Announcements


The Leader, Councillor Clarke congratulated the Mayor and Deputy Mayor on their appointments.


He went on to inform Council that six members of staff had recently participated in the East Midlands Councils annual Leadership Challenge event and had received the award for Top Leadership Team demonstrating that the authority was in excellent hands moving forwards. The officers were Paul Taylor, Tiffany Freeman, Mark Needham, Michelle Rudkin, Nicola Wells and Luke Colaluca.


The Leader also drew Council’s attention to the exhibition in the foyer highlighting the creation of Rushcliffe Borough Council 50 years ago. He informed Council that three councils had been joined together by the 1972 Local Government Act to become Rushcliffe Borough. The Leader stated that he was delighted to see so many former Mayor’s and two previous Chief Executives in the public gallery and encouraged all present to take a look at the display after the meeting.


Chief Executive's Announcements


The Chief Executive had no announcements to make.


Appointments of Committees and Member Groups 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.

Additional documents:


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services, outlining the nominations for the appointment of committees and member groups for 2024/25.


It was proposed by Councillor Clarke and seconded by Councillor Brennan and RESOLVED that the nominations to committees and member groups for 2024/25 be approved as follows:


A. Scrutiny Committees


Corporate Overview Group

Councillors Combellack (Chair), Edyvean, Matthews, Plant, Polenta, Way, Williams


Governance Scrutiny Group

Councillors Edyvean (Chair), Polenta (Vice Chair), Birch, Calvert, Om, Regan, Thomas, Wells, G Wheeler


Growth and Development Scrutiny Group

Councillors Matthews (Chair), Way (Vice Chair), Chewings, Dellar, Grocock, Mason, Parekh, Soloman, R Walker


Communities Scrutiny Group

Councillor Williams (Chair), Plant (Vice Chair), Barney, Billin, Ellis, Fletcher, R Mallender, Parekh, Phillips


B. Regulatory Committees


Licensing Committee

Councillors Parekh (Chair), Billin, Chaplain, Chewings, Cottee, Fletcher, Grocock, R Mallender, Mason, Om, Phillips, Regan, Simms, Soloman, Williams


Planning Committee

Councillors Butler (Chair), R Walker (Vice Chair), Calvert, Chaplain, Edyvean, Ellis, Georgiou, S Mallender, Mason, Thomas, Wells


Employment Appeals Committee

Councillors Clarke (Chair), Bird, Brennan, J Walker, J Wheeler


Interviewing Committee

Councillors Clarke (Chair), Brennan, Dellar, Polenta, J Wheeler


Standards Committee

Councillors Simms (Chair), Bird, Birch, Matthews, Plant, Phillips, A Wood (Parish Members) and K White (Independent Member), H Richardson and C Richards (Independent Persons)


C. Member Groups


Local Development Framework Group

Councillors Upton (Chair), Butler (Vice Chair), Calvert, Chewings, Ellis, Georgiou, Gowland, S Mallender, Plant, Simms, Soloman, Thomas, R Walker, Wells, G Wheeler


Member Development Group

Councillors Soloman (Chair), Birch, Combellack, Gaunt, R Mallender, Om, Polenta, Wells, Williams


Rushcliffe Strategic Growth Board

Councillors Clarke (Chair), Bird, Brennan, Grocock, Gowland, Upton, Virdi, Way, J Wheeler


Civic Hospitality Panel

Councillor Brown (Chair), Brennan, Clarke, Cottee, Fletcher, Georgiou


West Bridgford Special Expenses and Community Infrastructure Levy Advisory Group

Councillor Virdi (Chair), Chaplain, Dellar, Gowland, R Mallender, Matthews, Phillips, G Wheeler, J Wheeler


Councillor J Walker wished for it to be formally noted that the Labour Group continued to object to the appointment of Councillor Combellack as Chairman of the Corporate Overview Group in light of her relationship with the Leader of the Council.


Approval of Timetable of Meetings 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 140 KB

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services, setting out the timetable of meetings for the municipal year 2024/25. Councillor Clarke informed Council that following the announcement of the General Election on 4 July yesterday, there would now not be a meeting of Council on 27 June and that further information would follow in the next few weeks.


It was proposed by Councillor Clarke and seconded by Councillor Brennan and RESOLVED that the timetable of meetings for the municipal year 2024/25, as attached at the Appendix to the officer’s report, be approved.


Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 129 KB

The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.

Additional documents:


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services setting out the appointments to Outside Bodies for the municipal year 2024/25.


Councillor Clarke noted that there were three contested positions and moved that Council accept the nominations of the uncontested positions as one vote before moving on to consider the three contested positions.


Following the voting, it was RESOLVED that the appointments to Outside Bodies for the municipal year 2024/25 be as follows:


City of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Economic Prosperity Committee Leader / Deputy Leader (Substitute)


East Midlands Councils (including other representative roles within this appointment) Leader / Deputy Leader (Substitute)


Greater Nottingham Joint Planning Advisory Board

Appropriate Cabinet Member


Local Government Association – General Assembly (including other representative roles within this appointment)

Leader / Deputy Leader (Substitute)


Health and Well Being Board

Appropriate Cabinet Member


D2N2 Joint Leaders Board

Leader / Deputy Leader (Substitute)


Nottinghamshire Joint Leaders Board

Leader / Deputy Leader (Substitute)


Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Panel

Appropriate Cabinet Member


Development Corporation Board

Leader / Deputy Leader (Substitute)


Nottinghamshire Waste Management Board

 Appropriate Cabinet Member


Freeport Board

Leader Deputy Leader (Alternate Board Member)


Local Area Forum – West Bridgford

Councillors Calvert (Abbey ward), Philips (Compton Acres ward), Parekh (Edwalton ward), J Wheeler (Gamston ward), R Mallender (Lady Bay ward), Matthews (Lutterell Ward), Polenta (Musters ward) and Plant (Trent Bridge ward)


Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board

Councillors Billin, Combellack, Fletcher, Wells


Nottinghamshire East Midlands Airport Independent Consultative Committee

Councillor Brown


Rural Community Action for Nottinghamshire

Councillor Inglis


Friends of Rushcliffe Country Park

Councillor Wells


Councillor Gowland wished for it to be formally noted that the Labour Group were dissatisfied that only one seat was available on the West Bridgford Local Area Forum for the Abbey ward despite there being three Borough Councillors for this community. She informed Council that the Labour Group was speaking to the WBLAF about this matter.


Appointment to the Monitoring Officer Role pdf icon PDF 108 KB

The report of the Chief Executive is attached.


The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke presented the report of the Chief Executive, detailing the appointment to the role of the Council’s designated Monitoring Office.


Councillor Clarke informed Council that Mrs Gemma Dennis, the Council’s Monitoring Officer, was leaving the Council and that following a competitive recruitment process Mrs Sara Pregon had been appointed in her place. As the role of Monitoring Officer was a statutory role it was necessary for Council to approve this appointment, the details of which were outlined in the report. The recommendation to confirm Mrs Pregon as the Council’s new Monitoring Officer was proposed by Councillor Clarke and seconded by Councillor Brennan, who also thanked Mrs Dennis for her support.


Those thanks were echoed by Councillors around the chamber.


It was RESOLVED that Mrs Sara Pregon be appointed and designated as the Council’s Monitoring Officer from 26 August 2024.