Venue: Council Chamber, Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford
Contact: Democratic Services 0115 9148277
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Wells declared a non-pecuniary interest as Ward Councillor in application 22/02311/FUL and would remove himself from the discussion and vote for this item.
Councillor Edyvean declared a non-pecuniary interest as previous Ward Councillor in application 22/02311/FUL and would remove himself from the discussion and vote for this item.
Councillor S Mallender declared a non-pecuniary interest as Ward Councillor in application 23/00910/FUL and would remove herself from the discussion and vote for this item.
Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 August 2023 PDF 472 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2023 were approved as a true record and were signed by the Chair. |
Planning Applications PDF 384 KB The report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the written report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth relating to the following applications, which had been circulated previously.
Councillor Wells and Councillor Edyvean removed themselves from the Committee and did not contribute to the discussion or vote on the following application.
22/02311/FUL - Erection of 73 dwellings including landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure - Land At Hillside Farm, South Of Bunny Lane, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire
Additional representations were received after the agenda was published and these were circulated to the Committee before the meeting.
In accordance with the Council’s Public Speaking Protocol for Planning Committee, Rob Galij (Agent for Applicant), Mary Butler, Mrs Colbeck and Norman Davill (collective Objectors) and Councillor J Cottee (Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee.
Members of the Committee expressed concern about the challenging topography of the site and said that it did not lend itself to this type of development. The Committee said that by virtue of the gradient and level changes in the design the layout did not provide appropriate amenities, including some of the gardens not meeting the requirements of the neighbourhood plan. Members referred to the Local Plan and said that contrary to the Plan the applicant had not demonstrated that residents would not be detrimentally affected by noise and dust and odour from the farm, nor that the farm would not be adversely impacted by the development. Members of the Committee also expressed concern about hedgerows being removed and that mitigation proposals did not sufficiently address the negative impact on biodiversity from the development.
Councillor Ellis moved for refusal of the application for the following reason: · By virtue of the site's proximity to the adjacent farm and sewerage Treatment Works with their associated noise, odour, dust and flies, the sites engineering approach to the land gradient and level changes resulting in some significant retaining structures within private gardens, and the general design and layout resulting in built form to site boundaries without adequate screening, public open space in close proximity to the neighbouring farm and numerous undersized gardens across the site, it is not considered that the development would represent 'good design' in response to the site context, opportunities and constraints, or provide for an appropriate level of amenity for future occupiers.
By virtue of the site's proximity to the adjacent farm and sewerage Treatment Works with their associated noise, odour, dust and flies, the sites engineering approach to the land gradient and level changes resulting in some significant retaining structures within private gardens, and the general design and layout resulting in built form to site boundaries without adequate screening, public open space in close proximity to the neighbouring farm and numerous undersized gardens across the site, it is not considered that the development would represent 'good design' in response to the site context, opportunities and constraints, or provide for an appropriate level of amenity for future occupiers.
These future occupiers would be unduly ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |