45 2025/26 Budget and Financial Strategy PDF 170 KB
The report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that Cabinet RECOMMENDS to Council that it:
a) adopts the budget setting report and associated financial strategies 2025/26 to 2029/30 (attached Annex) including the summarised Special Expenses budget at Appendix 1, Budget Summary at Appendix 2, changes to fees and charges regarding Garden Waste and Car Parking at Appendix 5 and Transformation and Efficiency Plan at Appendix 7, with the exception of the proposed £6,000 efficiency for a move to digital bin calendars, which shall be retained;
b) adopts the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 3;
c) adopts the Capital and Investment Strategy at Appendix 8;
d) sets Rushcliffe’s 2025/26 Council Tax for a Band D property at £161.77 (increase from 2024/25 of £3.89 or 2.46%);
e) sets the Special Expenses for 2025/26 for West Bridgford, Ruddington and Keyworth, Appendix 1, resulting in the following Band D Council Tax levels for the Special Expense Areas:
i) West Bridgford £64.84 (£59.44 in 2024/25)
ii) Keyworth £3.21 (£4.69 in 2024/25)
iii) Ruddington £3.14 (£3.29 in 2024/25);
f) adopts the Pay Policy Statement at Appendix 6; and
g) delegates authority to the Director – Finance and Corporate Services to make any minor amendments to the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) once the final Local Government Finance Settlement is received and advise the Finance Portfolio Holder accordingly, to be reported to Full Council.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance, Councillor Virdi presented the report of the Director – Finance and Corporate Services outlining the Council’s proposed budget for 2025/26, the five-year Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) from 2025/26 to 2029/30, which included the revenue budget, the proposed Capital Programme, the Transformation and Efficiency Plan, the Capital and Investment Strategy, and the Pay Policy Statement.
Councillor Virdi referred to a recently circulated amendment regarding changes to the Special Expenses, detailed in the revised covering report, which he would be speaking to. Councillor Virdi stated that all councils continued to face financial pressures; however, unlike many, Rushcliffe was not making service reductions, it was improving them. The Council had a balanced budget, including up to date, signed off Financial Statements, and it remained both diligent and prudent, whilst maintaining a commercial culture and generating financial efficiencies.
Councillor Virdi advised that the Council had received the final Local Government Finance Settlement and reiterated that the Council’s Core Spending Power had only increased by 0.9% compared to 6.8% nationally, with the Government redirecting resources to councils linked to areas of high deprivation. With inflation running at 2%, this was in real terms a cut in overall funding, which meant that the Council had to raise revenue to ensure that it continued to provide the best services and invest in its assets.
Cabinet was reminded that Rushcliffe continued to have the lowest Council Tax in Nottinghamshire and remained amongst the lowest 25% in the country, with the Band D average increase of £3.89, being less than 8p per week, which Councillor Virdi felt everyone should be proud of. In respect of Special Expenses, Councillor Virdi referred to the supplementary paper issued, which detailed minor changes to the figures, and advised that even with the changes, the precept for West Bridgford, compared to other areas remained excellent value. He confirmed that the revised figure for West Bridgford was £64.84, Keyworth £3.21 and Ruddington £3.14.
Councillor Virdi referred to the Council’s Transformation and Efficiency Plan, which was detailed in Section 7 of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), which would deliver £1.7m over five years and whilst acknowledging some charges were increasing, he felt that they remained competitive compared to other local authorities. Councillor Virdi proposed one change, that the report to Full Council should be amended to retain the proposed £6,000 efficiency for a move to digital bin calendars, as given the complexity of ‘Simpler Recycling’ and Local Government Reorganisation (LGR), it was felt that it would be better to retain the hard copy calendars for now.
The Capital Programme remained substantial with £27.1m budgeted over five years, including a continued range of investments across the Borough and he confirmed that reserves remained sound and would help the Council navigate challenges going forward.
In summary, Councillor Virdi referred to those significant challenges and uncertainties, which were detailed in paragraph 6.1 of the report, and confirmed that the MTFS highlighted the relatively stable, healthy financial position that ... view the full minutes text for item 45