49 Officer and Member Indemnity PDF 174 KB
Report of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Chief Executive’s Department is attached.
It was RESOLVED that the grant of an indemnity for officers and Members as referred to at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance, Councillor Virdi presented the report of the Monitoring Officer and Head of Chief Executive’s Department outlining arrangements for officer and Member indemnity.
Councillor Virdi stated that the report clarified the position regarding officers and Members and their personal liability whilst working on behalf of the Council and advised that Members and officers acting on behalf of the Council, had statutory indemnity against personal liability. Whilst the proposed indemnity offered protection, it did not apply to deliberate wrong doing, and not having this indemnity could result in people not serving on such bodies.
In seconding the recommendation, the Leader stated that it was important that an indemnity was in place to ensure that no one was not deterred from seeking public office or participating in outside bodies because of any fear of incurring liability whilst acting on behalf of the Council.
It was RESOLVED that the grant of an indemnity for officers and Members as referred to at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.