47 Rushcliffe Play Strategy 2025-2030 PDF 177 KB
The report of the Director – Neighbourhoods is attached.
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It was RESOLVED that the updated Play Strategy 2025-2030 be adopted as a Strategy of the Council and supporting document to the Council’s overall Leisure Strategy 2021 – 2027.
The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, ICT and Member Development, Councillor J Wheeler presented the report of the Director – Neighbourhoods, outlining the Rushcliffe Play Strategy for 2025-2030.
Councillor Wheeler stated that over £800,000 had been invested by the Council in the past five years, and referred to differing expectations and requirements, since the previous Strategy was adopted in 2007, including having a wider range of accessible play equipment. Councillor Wheeler confirmed that play area users had been consulted, to ensure that facilities would meet their needs, as it was so important that children were active, and the Council was committed to providing the best facilities possible. He thanked all those who had responded to the consultation and to the Director – Neighbourhoods and the Communities Manager.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Brennan referred to the important emphasis on quality of life, together with the experience of living in Rushcliffe, and this Strategy would support and enhance that offer throughout the Borough. She particularly welcomed the emphasis on accessible play areas, and provision for young girls and tweenagers, and that during routine upgrades every effort was being been made to ensure that new equipment was inclusive for all. Councillor Brennan noted that in particular young girls sometimes found park less accessible, and considerable time had been taken to identify what young people wanted and to try and accommodate that.
Councillor Upton felt from his own personal experience that facilities in Rushcliffe were excellent, as was the maintenance and management.
Councillor Wheeler responded by confirming that provision for young girls and tweenagers was very important, with all refurbishment projects appealing to everyone, and by speaking to users it had helped to shape this Strategy.
It was RESOLVED that the updated Play Strategy 2025-2030 be adopted as a Strategy of the Council and supporting document to the Council’s overall Leisure Strategy 2021 – 2027.