Issue - meetings

Economic Growth Strategy

Meeting: 08/10/2024 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Economic Growth Strategy pdf icon PDF 197 KB

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It was RESOLVED that the Economic Growth Strategy be endorsed for publication.


The Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth, Councillor Brennan, presented the report of the Director – Development and Economic Growth, outlining the Economic Growth Strategy.


Councillor Brennan stated that she was pleased to present the Council’s first ever Economic Growth Strategy and referred to its timeliness, given the establishment of the new East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA), and its emphasis on regional growth. Councillor Brennan referred to the key challenge of supporting economic growth, with the Strategy highlighting were the Council could take direct action, work with partners and where it could advocate for growth with other stakeholders. The Strategy set out the Council’s vision and had been subject to significant consultation, and it was hoped that it would protect and enhance the Borough and the quality of life for residents.         


Councillor Brennan stated that the Council’s vision and three key themes were set out in paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7 to the report and referred to the huge opportunities presented by the redevelopment of the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station site, flowing down to smaller industrial units throughout the Borough. Councillor Brennan referred to EMCCA’s focus on regional growth, and it was hoped that its creation would enable the region to speak with one voice and raise its profile. It was important that EMCCA did not lose sight of Rushcliffe, and that the Borough continued to receive investment to help ensure that its businesses were supported. Councillor Brennan concluded by thanking the Economic Development Team for its hard work and confirmed that this would be a living document, continually reviewed by the Growth Board.


In seconding the recommendation, Councillor J Wheeler stated that the Strategy highlighted how much work the Council was doing; and that focus would continue and should include working in partnership with the many successful sporting venues in the Borough. Councillor Wheeler stated that it was really pleasing to see that local centres were all doing well, with very few empty units and it was hoped that the Strategy would show the Council’s commitment to business going forward.


In endorsing the report, Councillor Upton stated that the Strategy set a plan and a vision going forward based on economic growth.  


Councillor Virdi reiterated that endorsement and advised that although there were no direct costs, it should be noted going forward that sometimes investment was required, with any future plans carefully considered.


The Leader reiterated that Rushcliffe was very supportive of business and employment opportunities, so that hopefully residents can find local employment, to reduce travelling and increase carbon reduction.     


It was RESOLVED that the Economic Growth Strategy be endorsed for publication.