45 Polling Districts and Polling Places Review PDF 117 KB
The report of the Chief Executive is attached.
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The Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Borough-wide Leadership, Councillor Clarke MBE presented the report of the Chief Executive outlining the review of polling districts and polling places.
In moving the recommendation, the Leader stated that this was a regular review to reflect changing communities, with Paragraph 4.3 in the report detailing the main changes.
In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Brennan reminded Council that members had been consulted and hoped it would ensure that everyone had reasonable access to accessible polling stations.
Councillor Plant confirmed that the Labour Group supported the recommendation and felt that a regular review was reasonable, given housing growth, and she wondered if it would be better to run a consultation following an election. She referred to the importance of ensuring that all polling stations were accessible and questioned how information on accessibility was passed on.
Councillor R Mallender agreed with the importance of ensuring polling stations were accessible and was happy with the minor change to Lady Bay.
The Leader agreed with the comments made and advised that he believed that all polling stations In Rushcliffe were accessible.
It was RESOLVED that:
a) Council approved:
(i) proposals setting out changes to polling districts and polling places; and
(ii) the revised schedule of polling districts and polling places as set out in Appendix 2 to the report;
b) the Chief Executive be requested to formally publish the notice of the conclusion of the review and its findings; and
c) the (Acting) Returning Officer be given authority to select an appropriate alternative polling place (if required). Formal retrospective approval to be sought by Council following an election, if appropriate.